A partridge not in a pear tree
Guess who came for breakfast yesterday???
and no she was not breakfast she came for breakfast....
How beautiful she is...hovering over the seeds and then scampering off to her home in the woods.
This day has gone to the birds..
A very bad photo of our handsome Cardinal maybe one of these day
we will get a non blurred photo...
My husband is building us a small room in the back of our house for quiet and viewing outside our beautiful backyard.
I am calling it our sanctuary....our place for pray, quiet, and reflection.
We tore out a small closet in the back of our house.
we are putting in a very big window the main living part of our house all of the windows face a highway. I love our home but traffic and street noise has always been an irritation. We lived 30 years in the deep back roads where you seldom heard traffic...unless it was coming to our home.
It will look out on our beautiful back yard where most of our birds live.
Where the woods lie deep. Where peace prevails in this sometimes noisy
Am so thankful for a husband who can build things. Who loves building things. Who has always been a marvelous Carpenter...which I praise God he is cause we would not have the money to do all these changes.
His very high perch....watching and wondering what in the world we are doing...
Have a blessed day...
God is good all the time
All the time God is good.........
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