Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

Oh Christmas tree Oh Christmas tree ....Oh dear it is way to early for a snow flake to sing.
What a wonderful time. The beginning of Advent.

Believing this scene is LIFE CHANGING...
How thankful we are the Christ came to really make this life great.......GRACE...
its not what we do But what HE DID...... Thanks be to God......

Yesterday the sun was out and to prove it........it was 9 degrees when I got up a real crisp morning. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......
Isn't Doppler radar wonderful..... this is a go buy milk day....
The weather forecast for tomorrow is looking like a stay in da house day.....
Snow showers. Snow accumulation of 4 to 10 inches possible...greatest east of Munising. Highs around 24. West winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 100 percent. ..................................It's the 100% thing that makes one read it twice.
Living in the UP is wonderful but if you live on a back road and the wind blows at all with a forecast like this one and you see why today is a go get Milk day.. when we lived on the farm in the 70's we would sometimes be snowed in for days. Maybe 5 was the longest................then along comes the feeling we call cabin fever. I remember many days going outside and listening for the snow plow. On the farm it sometimes took the snow blower to get us out. And if the big county blower broke down you were at the mercy of the mechanics.. :) But when our kids were little we broke out the popcorn popper made fudge and read Narnia....what a great time... (seems so long ago) Now living on the highway we do not get snowed in that much. A state highway is a top priority for the snowplows. So in this season of our life........it is a good place to be.
God is good.............................all the time.
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