Just my notes....from Joyce......

MY notes today from Joyce....
Boot camp
Every morning is a fresh start.....
We are up 16 hours sleep 8 hours
Everything needs to rest.
first thing:
take care of every mess from yesterday repent.... ask forgiveness.
Spend time with God everyday....
God is more important than anything else.....
You need him the most.... Give God the time....
Mercy.........is new every morning
They are new every morning great is thy faithfulness.....
Make decisions early in the morning
You have spiritual clothing not just physical clothing.. put it on
This is the day that the a Lord hath made I will rejoice and be glad in it......
thank God for everything you can think of.....
Eph 6... Put on full Armour of God..
Receive mercy of God...Be Bold in the Lord today..
Stay in Peace...
Keep your peace.
Where your mind goes the man follows.....
get spiritually dressed.
This is the day that the Lord hath made I will rejoice and be glad in it...
Faith speaks....say it....
Expect something good to day.
decide ahead of time...
I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.....
think on purpose....
Start agreeing with God and disagreeing with the devil... this is not complicated...
Put on helmet of salvation.
Put on peace, righteousness. lift up shield of faith.
Start with thanksgiving... everyday.
Psalm 15-14 sacrifice of thanksgiving
Enter into His gates....with thanksgiving...
Be thankful and say so....
Open you mouth and tell people what you are grateful
commit yourself..
so thankful for my family our friends the gift of hot water. the gift of sleep
the gift of surprises
the gift of peace.
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