Granny’s Blog

Lord show me someone to bless today ....God is good. all the time All the time....... God is good ......

Monday, July 15, 2013

Start living for God......God I am nothing without YOU.....

This is written to me from Joyce notes that I always want to keep)
not my words but words said for my ears to hear....  

I need to stop living for people and start 

living for God.  If we live for Him with a right heart
the windows of heaven will open.......

Why do I do what I do????

Trust Him enough to zip our lips and see what God would want us to do...

I am growing every single day...

God is not impressed with what we do it is 

Why do we do it???  

Matt:6   Take care not to do your good deeds publicly or before men, in order to be seen by them; otherwise you will have no reward [[a]reserved for and awaiting you] with and from your Father Who is in heaven...

 Jesus slipped away....

he said

make sure 
you do not tell anyone about this."

God I am nothing with out you...

God, if you move I am going to fall flat on 

my face...


Pray :
Represent God
Go to work for God today... do an excellent Job... 

 live for God not for man... 

Paul the apostle prayed:

He never prayed for a thing or for himself 
 or to be delivered from a problem.

. He prayed for them to endure with good 

.He trusted God so much that he believed that whatever took place in His life would work out for his good....
He trusted God

He prayed people would know God. 

 Know the power that is yours as a believer

Rooted in Love of God
He prayed they would be Holy filled

spirit filled personalities.  Spirit filled personalities...

 Abound with 


God meets us where we are at...
You can ask God for things but 

Do not make things the primary purpose of 

your prayers...   

serve God out of your pure motive.

If you have a huge problem:
Pray for the right reason.

God please please work with me and 

purify me... 

 God does not owe me anything 
He has 

already given me  everything.

He is not concern with what we do but why 

we do it.....  
Lord purify me and show me your anointing 

 use me direct me to do your will. 

thank you for the blessings you have 

bestowed on us and on our family...

Thank you for the gifts you have given. 

Gifts given
grateful oh so grateful

for our new to us vehicle
a happy husband who loves you
our new friends and the church the body 

of Christ..... and a pastor who loves you... 

who my heart is to be more like Him cause 

He is so Christ like

 thank you Jesus... 
