The flu bug and picture of big snow.....
The last few days I have been in a battle with the flu.
Today I again feel almost like a human being.
The key word here is ALMOST............I chose not to get the flu shot
Mr. Baker Boy
he did. Mine flu lasted four days and maybe still counting a bit................. his ........... 1/2 day.
We have been going through some personal family struggles and a weight was lifted to some good news. So we are Praising God extra loud this morning.
Now I am not Catholic but have a lot of great friends who are. I don't know why they burn candles but I burnt one this morning along with incense.
Which by the way has been one of my favorite things since a small child. (that was many ,many, many, years ago......................
There surely must be candles and incense in heaven....
ok maybe just a small area for the incense I know a few people who can not stand it..
(what ever is wrong with them?? ))) ;0
Baker Boy even made me a log cabin incense burner.
He also made many points yesterday
I think he felt bad for going to town with out me..... cause he brought me two of my very favorite things.............
flowers and chocolate............... the flowers were a much needed fix....
..a promise of what is to come after all of THIS.................................................................................................
view from my kitchen window after the snow settled.
Baker Boy doing the drive.
this is really part of my front yard..
well its somewhere out there yard here yard where are U?????
almost enter a landscape contest online where they wanted you to send in a picture of your front yard and they would fix it up.........da
Do you think I would win?????
Labels: daily jib jab, snow
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