Granny’s Blog

Lord show me someone to bless today ....God is good. all the time All the time....... God is good ......

Monday, February 11, 2013

Smell of Dirt......Starting some organic spinach

This is the time of Year that one who lives in a white land of snow
Wants to see dirt!!!!


Smell dirt feel dirt........dig in the dirt...............give me dirt... :)

ok I know it is early but to have a tomato..........a real red homegrown tomato about now would be amazing.

You do know that is one of Two things you can not buy ...right???

(love and home grown tomatoes.... )

Well Bakerboy it thawing out my block of frozen dirt as we speak...I hauled it out of the greenhouse and he put it by the wood fire in his shop yesterday so today it may be workable.

 he is an amazing husband.  A true blessing from God...(thank you Jesus) how he puts up with me sometimes I just wonder....

But thankfully he does.....

 He built me a small green house a few years ago on the front of our house....well it is kinda like a sunroom...but it works for plants.

This year it is going to be amazing....last year it was a house for hornets....
OK now for
Todays Mission:
Start my spinach and put it in bay window
Start up my  5 gal or maybe 3 gal aquarium...

love the sound of the water falling and it surly must put some humidity in our dry house.  Maybe I will get a fish...

I soak my seeds in warm water before planting

===========================================================3 Gifts given
Gift of soil
seeds the smell of dirt...  



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