One below an counting.
Today is our area. 64th day of below zero weather this winter.
Rosie the roadrunner is even shivering
As I sit here typing it is -1.
Rosie the roadrunner is even shivering
As I sit here typing it is -1.
Ok let's see.
There must be so much to be thankful for this.
Let me think
Thinking hard.
1. We don't have to run the air conditioner
2. We have warm house to snuggle up in.
3. We have heat.
4. The sun shines most days when it has been this cold. ⛅
5. Might be killing some of the bad bugs that have been killing trees.
6. We don't have to run air conditioner :)
Spring is just around the corner. And how quickly we forget.
We will soon be thinking how warm it is. Sure wish it was cooler. We certainly do appreciate the seasons. And up here the are so many days that are just right. 65-75. Surly must be heavenly temp's.
How hard it is for us to stop complaining about the weather.
Forgive me Lord.
This is the day that the Lord hath made we shall rejoice and be glad in it.
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