Granny’s Blog

Lord show me someone to bless today ....God is good. all the time All the time....... God is good ......

Friday, April 22, 2011

Nyla gets a hair cut

Off to town today.  Nyla gets her spring hair cut.  She is such an amazing dog. We have been blessed to have her in our life.

Church last night it was a great service.

LJ is working on porch it is wonderful.

 He does such good work.  Love it love it love it..

Easter dinner here..  Ham and all the usual... looking forward to having family out.

Church tonight

 Good Friday service.

I love Easter for truly

He has risen...he has risen indeed.......


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gloomy but no storm

Painted Kitchen cupboard today..  wow what a job.

 Four covers and still not sure I am done.

 Larry is working on greenhouse
 and Martin's just called for us to go for dinner.  So I do not have to cook.....


 it is good to have them home and see them again.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Greenhouse plans..Snow on the garden a beautiful sunny day

We received about six inches the last few days of snow.  The birds are not liking it. They are looking for the bird coats.  We must have had hundreds of them out here yesterday.

We are working on greenhouse.  It is going to be so nice. a great place to start my plants.

 Thinking about doing the kitchen floor.  Than we will be all set.  Should make the house warmer.

busy week ahead...
Praying for all the familys affected by the over 100 tornado's this last weekend. Sounds like another rough week for those in the midwest.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

LJ worked on greenhouse.

2011 Wow did we get the snow beautiful great big silver dollar flakes.  What a winter wonderland and we need the water.   It is going to be so nice.  Our new sauna is wonderful we should have put one in years ago.  LJ loves it and so do I.  Sleep so much better.  Last night at church we passed out Palms for Palm Sunday.  What a great God we have.  It was a great service.

Garden News:  Plants all looking ok....2 foot tulip out in the house it is purple and beautiful...


Survival Foods

Be it floods,  hurricane, snowed in, or even not gas at the pump.
It is good to be prepared for your family, neighbors, community.

This is going to be a list of poss foods that may be an idea to stock up on when they are on sale.

Food prices are going up..and they will prob continue to rise.

2.Dried Beans
3.Peanut Butter
4 Powdered Milk
5 Canned Milk or Evaporated milk
6. Nuts
9Brita or some kind of water filter
10. Oil
11. Canned tuna or salmon or both
12. Canned Venison
13. Dried Jerky
14.honey....we buy it a Walgreen's when ever it goes on sale which is a great bargain...
15. My number one survival food would have to be CHOCOLATE..:)
