Granny’s Blog

Lord show me someone to bless today ....God is good. all the time All the time....... God is good ......

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24 Thinking about Life

Good morning Lord
Sometimes all we hear is why?
..we have no answers.

We just need to trust and know that you are our God and you have everything under control.

So many people we know are suffering right now and in so much pain,
we pray for comfort, and peace.
we ask for your guidance on how to reach out and help and how to pray.
Guide us and direct our every step.
Give us the ears to hear , plant the seed of love and kindness give us direction as to how to proceed.
To God be the glory for now and forever.
Let us be an instrument of yours. Thank you for this day and all we have to be thankful for. May the peace that passes all understanding be with us today.
For we truly do know that God is good..........all the time.


Monday, March 23, 2009

The Best Things

The best things are nearest: breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of God just before you.

Robert Louis Stevension

May the Lord, the God of your fathers, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised!
Deuteronomy 1:11 NIV


Friday, March 20, 2009

March 20 2009 Happy Birthday Tony

We are so thankful today
this day many years ago we were blessed with a bouncing baby boy..
The world truly is a better place because he is in it.
God Bless You Tony. We love you...


Snowflake talks with God

Dear God
thank you for giving us the grace to go through what we have to.
You give us today s grace today.
Not tomorrows grace today....we get what we need when we need it. We are so thankful for this. I forget this so many many times....
We can give you all our worries and all our stress and truly know
that our God is good....all the time.
We do not have to try and fig it out. We just need to trust. Your hand is in it all.
You are the blessed controller of all things.
Just like it said on a plaque that I gave to my mom oh so many years ago....
Thank you for this assurance. You have done it all. We need to do nothing. But accept and love and trust.
What a great and awesome God you are. Thank you for Jesus for Your son who made it possible to have a life knowing that all is well that ends well. And the end will be the best part of the new beginning.

love ya

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Prayers needed

A very lot going on right now

Please pray for:
Baby Andrew

Praise for ans prayers

Sunday, March 15, 2009

50's and wonderful

It seems like summer outside.

Get out the seeds

Put away the heavy coats

Listen to the maple trees give up their sap....

Spring is just around the corner......................... Welcome spring. :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

March 14 Prepare your family for hard times

Preparing for hard time is always a good idea even when the economy seemed good. Now days it just makes good sense. Hurricanes, tornadoes, lay offs, job loss. You never know and we can learn a lot form our Mormon friends. They try to keep a year food storage. This is a wonderful idea.
 Hoarding for yourself .. NO absoulutly not. But maybe feeding your neighbor or someone less fortunate.

It never did make since to say when people are in debt to go out and spend more money they don't have. But many have... but no looking back now...only forward

If we ran our household like the govt we would have all been in trouble a long ,long time ago.
Maybe an old fashion genes stuck in me from my fore fathers. You live within you means .
We have always tried to do this but I must admit there have been many times when we failed. But you pick yourself up and dust yourself off and start all over again.

Get to the place that you only buy food that are on sale.

 Buy 8- 12 if you can.. a lot of sales run in cycles. Unless of course its horseradish. Well you may love horseradish and want 12 but you get what I mean. You may have to eat beans for a week till you get this started but soon you can buy steak if you want (when its on sale that is.) Buy four or five dozen eggs when they are on sale. They keep along time in the refrigerator.
I just made a vegetarian fried rice recipe that baker boy loved. Well I put in three eggs and some do not call this strict vegetarian.......but I do... :)

Fried Rice
A bit of olive oil (bought on sale and well worth the price) in a cast iron pan heat till very hot.
put in sliced fresh onion we love onion so we put in a whole med sized one
added fresh cut carrots.( that you bought on sale) or grew in your garden
added two to three cups of precooked rice.
When rice was hot we added three beaten eggs. Stir this around till eggs cook up.
we topped it off with some frozen asparagus about a cup or a cup and half.
You could use green beans.
(anything green in freezer or garden.)
We topped it off with a bit of lite soy sauce. 50% less sodium than reg soy sauce.
It has to be pretty........ :)

This was so good ......we loved it and baker boy had me make it again a few later

this time we cut up two pork chops (bought on sale) cooked it with the onion and left out the eggs.

Just for fun I poured a little home made red wine over the top and it was wonderful. It was strawberry homemade wine.
This will be added to our menu weekly. Eggs are cheap and so is pork , you could sub any meat I am sure.
Stretch the meat and stretch the budget. We have always had a few veg meals a week. Really sometimes cheaper foods are just as good. Beans, Rice.

We have done this for years this last month we are eating a lot of our stash. I have bought no groceries other than perishables for the last month.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Fun Weekdays

Fun Friday
Silly Sat
Sabbath Sunday
Moppy Monday
Tubby- tuesday
Wacky- Wednesday
Take out--- Thursday---make believe


Wed. night Baker Boy made
dinner he fixed my favorite......

pancakes, strawberries, and whip cream........ :)

Yum it tasted yummy

He had eggs and sausage with his. Yuck ...... :(

Some beautiful flowers to make us dream of spring.......
The weather man said this is the last weekend of winter.........


Clean house today........:(

MMMM I am thinking it should be FRIDAY FUNday....................

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Early morning thoughts of a snowflake

This is a day

when early mornings are precious.

The absolute
Looking out the window at the
stillness of night ....

Although it is early early morning.
And the sun may soon rise.

The sun is there I know
we can not just not always see it.

for the many people who's heart aches ,

Who do not know where there
going to stay tonght

Or what they are going to eat.

Praying that God
shows each and everyone
of us how to reach out
Help where we can.

Guide us
and lead us to those in need.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Here comes Da Sun

The sun rise from out of my kitchen window. The one you can see out of now.
well almost
That was yesterday today is a snowy gloomy good to take a nap day......
79 In St. Marrtin where some of the kids are........sigh.
We can keep on drreaming......during our nap.....
God is good................................ all the time
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Happy Anniversary Baker Boy


March 8 Driveway like ice rink

We have lost a real lot of snow. (smile, smile, smile)

Yesterday's weather makes one shout for joy. Jump for Joy... and Sing for Joy...... well maybe you would not want to hear the singing part. Baker Boy says I sound just like Lucile Ball....

Today is our 38th wedding anniversary And I praise God for such a wonderful husband. The love of my life as my good friend Alice says about her Loren everyday. We wish Gods speed and recovery for Loren he is in the hospital now and please say a healing prayer for him.

We had a benefit spaghetti dinner at church for a friend in need, and it was a wonderful turn out. Also great food. How blessed we are to have such great caring friends. In this day and age the community needs to stick together and take care of each other when there is a need.

We live in a very small community and they are wonderful when someones needs some help.

God Bless have a wonderful Sabbath and remember

God is good..........................all the time...........


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 4The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window...
a lot of white
I am thinking...
About Dave a dear friend who lost his wife our friend Christine unexpectedly in surgery this last week. She had just turned 50 so young. She was healthy and it was such a shock.
Truly our days are numbered and we never know how long we will walk on this earth. May she rest in peace.
And the Lord give Dave comfort and strength. May he be held up by the prayers of God's people.
I am thankful for... the Chinook winds that bring the promise of spring.
It is a different smell in the air.
And it happened yesterday........
Our Pastor Paul's successful back surgery.
From the kitchen..
The kitchen is closed...(( (did ya hear that Baker boy?))
..I am creating...
A book on my life
I am going... to sleep..........and tomorrow
To Marquette Baker Boy has PT for his arm.
And it may hit 40's this week.....
I am reading
the magazine Servant
I am hoping..
This snow melts slow and the UP does not float away into Lake Superior..... JK we got a lot of snow but not that much......... :)
.I am hearing..
Our dog asking to go to bed.
.Around the house..
It needed to be changed around again.
It said spring time was coming and it's time for a change.......  :)
A few plans for the week
Cheering on the Cougars ....... Going to Marquette
One of my favorite things...a picture thought to share
Hoping these days are gone for a while...a long first attempt at snow blowing...under baker boys watchful eye.........


A New Smell in the Air??

Could it be the smell of spring?


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Codey

Today is our grandson's birthday.

He has had a hard 19 years. His dad was taken to heaven when Codey was pretty little. He has missed him so much as we all have.

He is a great kid and looks so much like his dad. We are so blessed to have him in our life.

His dad is cheering him on and is very proud of him as we all are. He graduates this year.
We love ya Codey....

Happy Birthday!!!


Sunday, March 1, 2009

White Sabbath not a rock group

Well we should be well over 300 inches of snow this year and it is still climbing. this snowflake can not see anything but white coming down out side her window.
Baker boy is resting on the couch (more like sleeping) and we are snug as a bug in a rug.

I just looked at Texas and it is 39 in Port O'Conner. mmmmmmm that does not sound to warm to me.but warmer than 5......

Our Honey of a mini home is getting buried under the white stuff. She shakes and shivers every once in a while .... (I think she is crying she is used to NM in the winter time)

Thinking about having our son Mark paint a great big sun on her. That way she will be warm no matter where she is....

Have a great sabbath. and do remember

God is good............................all the time

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