Granny’s Blog

Lord show me someone to bless today ....God is good. all the time All the time....... God is good ......

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Today in the very wet garden

                    This year I put rose fertilizer on Roses and it is beautiful and loaded with flowers.........this is a very old rose.  DIL told me it was three sisters or something like that......started this from one little stem from the back yard....

                              Lupines love the rain....

                                              She love to get in the pictures and pose...
                                    Raised beds are doing good but need a spark of color..something to make it snap out or some kind of spark..mmmmmmm

Hops are growing up the trellis pretty darn good.Posted by Picasa

Well they are saying rain for tomorrow..
But Sat is supposed to be beautiful.....
We are going camping and to a garden show.
fun fun fun....but I am sure it will be very buggy after
all this rain..

Have a good weekend....and remember

God is good ................................all the time....


mmmmmm Rain is not so welcome anymore....

But Better than no rain

Better than tornado.....

Mr. Sun where oh where are YOU?????

Going to start singing my Mr. Sun song soon......


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

More wonderful Rain..

Rain Rain Rain

  again more rain.......whew.....

Maybe think about building an ark????


Monday, June 20, 2011

Rain Rain wonderful Rain....



We needed the rain.....

                                                     On not so good side...:{

My filling fell out of my tooth again...eating ice cream.... go figure..
tooth than broke off but hanging on by a string to cause some major discomfort

Than it....   fell out in my sleep.  Of course this was on the weekend..
so Hi Ho..... Hi is off to the dentist we go...  :(

God is good.................All the time.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Today's garden June 17th

My very first micro is little but it is green and growing...

Raised Beds week 3Posted by Picasa


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sprayed Vinegar on Weeds yesterday it worked...

Yesterday we mixed up a mix of vinegar and Blue Dawn...  sprayed weeds between cracks of side walk.  It really did work.

Today A Garden for the  House sprayed his yesterday and I found out you can leave out the blue dawn.  Someone told me Dawn made it stick on the weeds.  But if you go to his site and look at his picture you can see that plain vinegar worked great.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A real work of drift wood art and Rainbow garden

Click on it to make it bigger...
We went for a ride and passed this house...we turned around and went back.
Wow this is amazing art work...  This is drift wood put together piece by piece.  It is very very cool.

Flowers for corner.......there are two flats of flowers

                            This one plant has millions of baby's and they fall off  the edge and into the dirt.  DIL just gave it to me..

ok this is a little strange.  click on photo there is a white circle
in the photo...what is it?  Lens on camera closes and white spot not there for next photo's...
this is after we were done planting
 blue salvia, red cosmos, pink begonia's white alyssum, purple petunia's
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What a perfect Yooper day....

76 and a beautiful day.......
Planted for about two hours at the Rainbow garden.  It was so dry. LJ was a great help.  We carried in many many gallons of water.

It is so far away.
well not that far.....15 miles

.but think we are going to drive in every day for a while till the plants get going...

Kevin's idea was so helpful.  We had bought to many flowers to take them all out but added his ideas and hope and pray they blend in together.  We could not find the purple Gomphrena or Purple Gnome..Hope I spelled that right. So we bought some more purple petunia's. I love the purple and pink...

We took out all the yellow and golds and moved them to one end and  are hoping it looks a little like a pot of gold.  Now just to grow and fill out... Here is the finished product and I have no idea of what the white spot is...

Well good night this sleepy lady is feeling some muscle issues..

Sauna is a calling............................................

God is good............................all the time


Love that red

My double Begonia.
love love love that red.

A beautiful day in the UP today.  76 right now.
Going to plant some more plants in Munising at Rainbow garden.
Kevin the man that has A Garden for the House. Sent me some wonderful plans.  It was so nice of him. Will post another picture when we get it planted.

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Monday, June 13, 2011

What Blooming in the June garden?

June 13thPosted by Picasa


Guess where I am going?????/

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rainbow garden

The corner... it really looks better than this picture.
But it has a long way to go to be spectacular.
any suggestion out there?
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One week new raised Beds

                   one week old. It is nothing spectacular but it is still a newborn baby.  :)
Going to work on Paul's rainbow garden today in Munising. Will post pictures tonight.
It is not spectacular yet either... ....:( But it is coming along.
Ok this is my new Cat's Meow..... Walkers low
This is from a great site Stargazer Perennials

Background of Walker's Low Catmint:
Introduced in 1988 in Europe, Walker’s Low Catmint has become more popular with each passing year. Nepeta 'Walker's Low' is a member of the mint family, Lamiaceae. Members of the mint family are easily recognizable by their square stems, opposite leaves and often aromatic properties. Walkers Low Catmint is a selection from the Faassenii Group of Nepeta. Walker’s Low is named for a garden in England where it was selected and is not related to its growth habit which is actually up to 36" high. 

Walker's Low Catmint is a soft mounding perennial with attractive silver-green foliage. Prolific, small violet-blue flowers on arching stems bloom from early spring until frost. At Stargazer Perennial's farm we have seen Walker's Low bloom in November when snow was on the ground! To tidy this hardy perennial up mid-summer, trim back by half with simple garden shears. After shearing Walkers Low Catmint will be up and blooming again in 2-3 weeks.


I may have planted it to low in the ground and might have to raise it up some....  

Tried my new tool my amazing garden guys uses.  Could not find one with long handle.  Tried to edge the tiny bed.  mmmmm think this could take some practice. 

Ok this is a picture of the neglected Phlox that was buried and boy I mean buried between the picture below.  Of a Cedar and a beautiful Tamarack tree...
(who were babies when we planted them)  They are much pretty than the pictures.  Our thought was to give us a little privacy cause our house is so near a major highway......

They have become buddies
See they are holding hands.
Way way to close together..  But to big to dig out for us old geezer's.
so hear is wishing you a Great Sabbath...
and May God Bless....

God is good ............................all the time....
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Friday, June 10, 2011

Crazy crazy weather

The weather is crazy.....Yesterday almost to hot to garden. (almost 100).

Today Heavy sweatshirts and still chilly with the cold wind.(48).But on the Bright side.  Drum roll please.............................

Number One bright side............ ready

1.     NO BUGS..........(48 F)

But that is normal for the UP....  It dropped 30 degrees in less than 10 min.

 2 bright side:

 The plants LOVE the cooler weather. (Me too)

Weeded another Bed today...Was it ever bad.  :(

Moved flocks which were buried between two pines.  Tamerack and Cedar.
When I plant trees I forget they grow...   sigh......

Last year Tamerack looked like it had the flu...

This year she is a beauty....She must have been in her rebelious year..

Bought some organic Preen and going to try that this year.  My girlfriend just told me about taking White Vinegar and Blue Dawn dish soap for weeds..She said her's were dead in one day...  Will give a report going to try it today.

Friends popped in and invited us to dinner.

So NUMBER 3:   DO not have to cook dinner........Yipppppeeeeeeee..

We are off to the big city in morning to see the Ticker Doctor.....  LJ needs to check in  for a quick check.  He is doing great and all his tests came back Peachy....:)  

Keep on the sunny side........always on the sunny side....keep on the sunny side of life.......    Oh dear a tune so early in da morning.............gotta go get some Kava

But always remember

God is good...........................................all the Time...


Thursday, June 9, 2011

What blooming in the front yard today....not much..

The lilac that was attacked by frozen snow opening day about 5 years ago

finally makes a come back....

A gift from my neighbor......  thanks Sue

A few more days and salad for dinner....we know this lettuce has no e coli...

Side of house the lilac's are beautiful.....
Poor little skinny snowball...needs some weight.
Hey I could give it some....Posted by Picasa
90's and so hot yesterday which was wonderful....back to sweatshirt weather today.   They are saying our high today will be 52...sounds like sweatshirt weather all day.......  


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A RED Cardinal

A big red Cardinal just flew out of my new bird feeder LJ made yesterday.

YIPPEEEE number 3 in 36 years....its about time......will try and get his picture


LJ made me raised beds in front yard

LJ made me two raised beds...about a week ago.. here they are empty

Our front yard we think used to be a gravel drive we saw pictures of the circle drive not to long ago and now we
know what we always thought is true. When we moved there was nothing in the front yard but the forsycia bush.
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Trillions of Trilliums

AMAZing year for spring trilliums....
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June 8th garden: da da.....My new bird feeder....

Lj made me the most amazing Lowe's project.  A bird feeder the birds must love
cause I got my third Cardinal in 37 years this morning

View of the front porch
That's hops growing up the trellis

Iris came out today.........  I love them....

OK....One week in raised beds.......
mmmmmm was going to be veg. but flowers one in the first one

flowers and vegies in the second one.  A da cooks herbs.....basil, parsley, oregano.Posted by Picasa


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Is she not beautiful the Lady of Lakes

Sunset on Superior....One of the grandest Ladies of all...........not sure Grandest is a word but if not it is now...  :)

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