Granny’s Blog

Lord show me someone to bless today ....God is good. all the time All the time....... God is good ......

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pizza at the club house

After a very cold day on the Madagorda Island we came back to a pizza party.
I am sure inspite of all the firecrackers going off for New Years Eve many of us snored right through it..

OK where is the food???????
I was a pizza chief let me cut that baby up!!!!
(she did a good job too)
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Thanks Beacon 44. and Captian Doug .for our trip to Madagorda Island

Our 10 min ride out to Madagorda Island was cool.......very cool
I sure hope our Captain can see in the fog.....
LJ is waving to his brother Ron in Naples
The gang out on the Island
LJ caught his first ocean fish of Texas...
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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Today we made Pasties for the Texan's, they liked them.....

A 10 oclock start and done by noon with all this help for making 36 pasties.
Dennis Larry and Carol mixing up the dough.  Mary Jo wants us to make them again sometime with shrimp.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm could be interesting.......
LJ took picture of sun.... The rain stopped and the sun came out it was in the high 50's.
Tomorrow Doug is taking out in the boat to Madagorda Island to beach comb. They are saying 70's and sunny so should be a perfect day. Bring on the sun screen... :)
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dec 29 Oops didn't bring camera.....

Today was a cold yucky rainy cold , cold day. If it made it to 50 we were lucky.  Did I say it was cold ???

   But no snow and thankfully didn't have to shovel any. It was 9 at home so how could I complain????
 And we are thankful they are getting all this water for their drought situation. ( Sure won't be no drought now.  :)

We go on Tue to the Community Center to eat and play bingo.

 I tell you they treat their seniors good in Texas.  We have some of the best meals.

 Today was home made  Texas Meatloaf mashed potatoes Green Beans,  and some Yummy cake. All for 3 dollars.   Than we play bingo.  It was so fun as we have a very crazy gang of old farts.  Now this is just our gang.  Everyone from here is super nice and friendly...  We all won at Bingo.  We ended up with two big bags of Pecans and a wicker basket.  They set up a table that you can take anything off of it and we picked up a couple of Texas Highways.  One of them is on wildflowers.  To bad we will not be here the end of April.  One lady brought in a  basket of grapefruit and gave it away so we have some good grapefruit right off the tree for breakfast.

After eating our selfs real real full.  We came back to park.  Good day for a nap.

Today is Mary Jo's Birthday and Annivesary (well actually Doug's heart day also).  We were going to bake her a cake.  But she does not want one she wants Baker Boys bread.  So Lar baked seven loafs of bread in the afternoon.  There was only one left.   I wanted to get water ballons for birthday ballons but LJ would not let me.....what a spoil sport.  So we just got Happy Birthday ones.  We practiced and practiced and sang her a song for her birthday ...we were so good considering American Idol next year..  JK  it was to the toon of  Old my darling Clemetine. 

Mary Jo's hubby Doug made dinner for all he made some great.  Texas Taco Bean Soup.  He made one not so spicey and a pan  that was a tad warm.  They were both great.

   After a great evening of BS ing we came home and watched "The Boss" get honored at the Lincoln center.  (Rick Springstein) He is one talented man.  It was great.

Talked to son to top off a great day.

 We are going to go and get General delivery today for mail.  So now for a month we can get our mail at Port OConnor.
Tomorrow we are making Pasty in club house..... These Texasns don't know what they are.  sigh.... :)

One thing about Beacon 44 you don't come here to lose weight.......

God is good.......................all the time...

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Dec 28 Monday off to explore

We liked this so decided it was a beautiful sunny day..(windy)but sunny so we took a picture of it.
This is the coolest hardware down in old town Port LaVaca they had all kinds of old hardware stuff. Kinda like a Heaths we used to have back home. Only this one has antique prices on its old wares. Lar loved this store. It was a man's kinda store.
Old Town Port LaVaca it is pretty neat. Very quiet we went in a few antique store and bummed around. Went down to the beach and had an inside looking out picnic... to windy to go outside. One thing great about Rosie. You never have to hurry to get home. Cause Home you always are. mmmmmmmmm not sure that is correct English but you get my drift?
Where ever you go there you are. With all your meds all your food. This is pretty great when you are like me and forget things.
You can never leave anything home cause its always with you..... sigh................mmmmmm maybe I need more sleep.
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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dec 27 Sunday a day of rest...............

We went to church at the Baptist Church in Port O'Connor and than went with Kirmit and Caron to Port LaVacia for Chinese. It was great and we all overate...Came home and watched the Colts get beat on purpose... 

A great day with good friends good food and beautiful weather.  It may have reached 60 today but it was great outside.  Sweater weather...and lots and lots of sun............. Yippeeeeeee

God is good all the time.............

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day Port O'Conner

The wind blew the trees into the pond...but it was a beautiful day
Great food and great fun.
Mary Jo probably telling LJ to keep his hands out of the food. Kirmit and Doug knowing he will not listen...
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Dec 25 Merry Christmas to all.....

Thanks Doug and Mary Jo for this piece of wood Lar tuned into a much needed bigger table.
now I have room for my computer. This table is stationary. Its great
Our Rosie Christmas tree.........thanks to Bil..... the angel came from Mobile.
Lar in a fine mood trying to decorate up for Christmas.. Maybe he has had to much sun???
We broke down and got a TV the first one was a new 7 inch one which was wAY small.
So we took our Christmas money from the kids and added to and got a 19 inch one.  It is great we can set at the table or lay in bed and watch tv now.  We really missed Christmas service at home but we are enjoying the no snow part of this vacation. 
It has been 50-60's weather wise and very windy the last few days.  But thats ok it rocked us to sleep.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dec 23 A trip to Rockport than on to Victoria.

A beautiful site that LJ took....wish the wires were not there.
We went to Victoria to get LJ's meds. It was a much bigger town than I thought.
We are going back and spend the day...soon. :)
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Rosie's On the Road Again

Rosie came out of hibernation and we went to Rockport today.
I fell in love with the town. It was way cool.
We are going back for some more day trips. But was so busy looking totally forgot to take pictures. We have
never been to the keys in FL but for some reason that is what came to my mind in this town.
We picked up a tiny and I mean tiny TV it is a seven inch LCD mini cable ready TV. It is going back to the store today.
Way way to small for these old peoples eyes.
We also saw the biggest DQ we have ever seen in Fulton. Fulton and Rockport kind of run together. We stopped at Chamber of Commerce and some women told us we could take a fairy out and drive down to Padra Island. You would not have to drive through Corpus Christi. We decided we may do this next year.
We were late coming back to Park but the lights around were beautiful. I thought I saw a great big elk or something.
Lar thinks it was some kind of cattle in five foot brush.. All you could see were the horns. I yelled so loud he almost drove off the road.
We came back fixed dinner and than received the bad news from our good friends Diane and Jerry Pierce. That they lost there great grand baby. He fought for four months a courageous fight to live. He is now spending Christmas with Jesus this year.
Please pray for them and their family at this most difficult time.

We really are enjoying our trip and staying in Rosie is getting easier. Even with a 65# dog. Larry is going to make us a new dinning table. Then I will have a mini office at one side of the table. Yippeeee Made a make shift one out of a tv tray and yip compter and all came tumbling down on top of Nyla. So dont try that idea it was a bad one. :(
Oh yeah I almost forgot Tony and Donna the DQ is a big thing down here and we saw the biggest DQ we have ever seen.
We took a picture to send to you.
We miss all our family and friends.........but we are having a great time. There are waves of homesickness I must confess.
The weather has been great and the mosquitos have been greater. There is a fresh hatch and it seems like spring in Michigan.

God is good.............all the time...
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Monday, December 21, 2009

A trip to Aransas

We went on a day trip today. Aransas National Park. We were sure glad this one was on the other side of the water. We saw some whopping cranes........and tons and tons of Mosquito's.....the may beat Michigan in numbers.
A stop on the path.....
A stop on the way back to Beacon 44...........see that Tony and Donna??????
Happy Birthday Doug....39 today????
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Mary Jo and Doug

We do have fun... and isn't she cute????????????

We have been blessed by meeting these two great hosts.
Happy Birthday Doug we hope you have a great year...
We really do have a great time and lots of laughs


Potluck at Port O'Connor Texas Yum yum

We went with Karen and Kirmet to the First Baptist Church in Port O'Connor the people were so friendly.
The church was decorated so beautiful for Christmas it was a great time of worship.

The guys watching the game
Great Mexican Food
Karen and Doug enjoying the evening..
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Monday, December 21, 2009

Potluck at Beacon 44 Port O'Connor Texas

We went to church with Karen and Kermit.. The First Baptist Church in Port O'Connor. Everyone was so friendly. It was great

and the church was decorated so beautiful.

Trying to watch the game..............

A great Mexican Potluck.........

Karen and Doug

Friday, December 18, 2009

A Day at the Beach.

Nyla was in her glory....she loved fetching her toy and now even like the salt water..
Carol waiting for the big one.....:)
She took my fishing pole............ (sob s0b)
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Our Hosts Shrimp Boat

A beautiful sunny day in Port O'Connor TexasPosted by Picasa


Here comes the sun

Here It comes...........Yippeeeee.....................
God is Good...........................all the time.
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Mon afternoon, Tue, Wed, Thur Rain Rain Rain and more Rain

Well this week it has been raining...  It is a good thing we are in a great park with a club house. 
I guess it is a good thing as they had a drought this summer and now everything is getting beautiful and green.
The one thing with snow.... you can go out and play.. :)  With Rain it is so much harder.  You can go out and get wet.

We meet in the club house in the evening and last night our host cooked up some crab and shrimp rolls.  along with snacks everyone brought.  The guys watched the football game and played pool.  We worked a puzzle. 

We did go into Port Lavaca  the other day and get some  grub... I have more grub than roon in here. 

Well today the sun is supposed to shine..  I am up waiting with my camera...  Kind of forgot what it looks like.

Yesterday I was a tad crabbie..... almost wanted to go home.  But sleep and the promise of sun shine.
does wonders.

Have a great day and get ready for a very Merry CHRISTmas...................


Thursday, December 17, 2009

As 2009 draws to an end this is my personal reflection on the year.

This has been a very busy full year. At times very bitter sweet as life goes. With family members going on to be with the Lord and resting now in heaven and many friends joining them. People have said it is our age but not all of them have been old or even close to it. RIP

We declared it the year of fun the begining of the year and for the most part it has been a dream come true.

This is my very personal reflection on 2009


      2009  The year of the snow flake       Our front yard in the UP of Michigan...much much more to come
                                                          My Honey at the end of the drive way
Another view from our front yard.Posted by Picasa

Jet came into our life for a very short time.  Man I loved this dog but he was a chewie chewer...LJ highly disliked him.. so he was in our life a very short time but got a wonderful home placement

The snow never stopped.

Just kept on snowing

We got our Honey the end of Feb.
The day after we brought her home LJ slipped and tore his Rotator cuff....

For the very first time I got to use the snow blower.  It was so fun...
Our new Honey is buried in the back ground...

Jess homecoming and Senior year at Basketball.
giving his mom a flower and his dad a candy bar.

Jess , Randie and We are very thankful for our son Sam

