Granny’s Blog

Lord show me someone to bless today ....God is good. all the time All the time....... God is good ......

Monday, August 13, 2012

Better Late than Never???? Maybe not

Today one of my best friends husband is being honored for his dedication and work in his church.....

It is a wonderful thing....  but the unfortunate thing is he is in the Vets hospital and has dementia and he will never know this has happened.

Pretty sad.....  Why is it we wait so long to tell our brother.
Well done good and faithful servant...?????

I pray that somewhere in his mind he will have a small recollection of the people who appreciate what he has done on his earthly journey to help others...

Lesson learned???   Give those due their appreciation while they can be aware.

There are a lot of GREAT people out there. They  continually give of themselves to help others and make others walk on this earth better.

Praise God for these people May there be many more who take care of their brother.  It is not the governments Job....  It is ours......

Have a blessed day.

God is good all the time..............

All the time God is good.....


God is so good.......... Amazing grace

After  a trip to beautiful town yesterday we saw the good news that gas came down a bit to 4.03.9   Good News...just    have to think and remember "God is the blessed controller of all things"....boy that is a hard one for me sometimes. Well maybe more than sometimes, sometimes..... :)

When I was younger about 35 years ago I had that plaque from a seminar that I gave to  my mon.  Not sure what happened to it but need it on my wall again.  

 "God is the blessed controller of all things"..

It is a beautiful fall like day outside. Well maybe a little warmer than fall.  
But on the  inside of our house it is cold feels like winter to me like the heat needs to be on.  But outside in the sun it is very warm. I call this crazy weather cause no matter how you guess what to wear you are wrong.  The one thing about the UP you all need to know if you come up here sometime......... GO NO Where Without A SWEATER OR SWEATSHIRT....even if it is 90 outside.  The weather can turn on a dime......and usually does. 

I never knew humming birds loved holly hocks so much.  We have had so many of them humming birds one day I counted about 11..  More than any year ever. Even more than when we had the  humming bird feeder. 
Took a picture of holly hocks but did not get any hummers in it.  :(  
The flowers will follow this post.  My girlfriend tells me I have an eccentric garden  mmmmmmmmmmmm just looked that up it may not be good...   irregular; 

erratic;peculiar; odd well 

mm I guess that does describe my garden.  Not that I planned  it to be that way.  It just grows and we mostly let it do what it wants to do..  I cannot bear to throw a flower out.  So not good at all at little rows little circles or big ones as far as that goes. 
Ok here are some pictures.

But first :  Gluten Free Pizza tonight.  Outstanding.  

Have a blessed weekend.  
God is good ...........all the time
All the time God is good.  

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Feels and smells like Fall

It sure feels like fall.  Almost could turn on the heat these chilly mornings.

Two weeks gluten free and yesterday was the hardest day ever.  You would think when one gets sick it would not be hard to resist the donuts and home made bread.

  Our order from Amazon arrived of Gluten Free products to try. Betty Crocker has a Gluten Free pancake mix.  Really can not wait to try it.  It gets good reviews also.  I love Amazon and try and only order what is shipped for free.

 We were really surprised how many diff things our stores in town have. Guess people ten years ago never had this many options.

When I started this diet it was only for two weeks to see if it made any diff.  A trial so to speak. .  It has made such a huge diff.   Now my husband wants me to go for a month.
So I agreed we will go one month out and see.  We fig trying it is hurting nothing.  They are saying you need to be diagnosed by a doc for Celiac but a biopsy of the small intestine seems pretty radical to me.   It could be just an intolerance  also.
It is amazing how much food you can eat and it does seem pretty livable.
IBS is not fun.

Last nights dinner:
Fried Rice.
Saute onion , carrots, snap peas in olive oil
add two cups of cooked rice.
add three eggs and cook till eggs were done.

PS I cooked up a big pan of rice and froze it in two cup packages.  We like Brown rice and it takes a while to cook.  This works great..  :)

It was yummy had a jello salad with it.
LJ made me some bread it is excellent bread.  Think there may be some real challenges but ideas using this.  It is Gluten Free Pantry and very good bread.  But as with all Gluten Free produts it is expensive.

Well it will see how the next two weeks go ...

God Bless
God is good all the time.......................all the time God is good.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ok Finally fig it out.........whew..thought I lost everything them back.  Thought I was going to have to upload over 300 pictures again.  I love Google..  Just googled it and found it in 5 min on how to get them back.

This makes me very happy.

But two weeks on my new GF diet has really changed my life.  Although I do not always like not eating my Cardamon Bread and Raisin Bread. :(

But on the good side I found out m&m's plain are Gluten free.  

Trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not unto you own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths:  woke up saying this.

Lord please direct my paths....


Two weeks Gluten Free...... and where did my pictures go??

two weeks Gluten Free.......... never felt better 

OOPS............for some reason all my blog pictures are gone.  :( this is very upsetting.....hope I can get them back
