Granny’s Blog

Lord show me someone to bless today ....God is good. all the time All the time....... God is good ......

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer where oh where art thou???

Well it is raining again and 46 outside.

 Trees and plants are beautiful and green and lush.

 Our lettuce is fantastic. Everything else outside is looking like it needs a jacket. brrrrrrr

We finally turned in our cable box and our cable modem.

  BBoy was dancing. Now we will have a bigger chunk of change to put towards food, heat, meds. He thinks just the stress of what to watch with all the channels gets to be to much. I must confess the dancing with the remote at night will not be missed by some people. :)

We have netfix and love it. Last night we watched a movie on the computer. It really works out pretty great. We are going to try and fig out how to hook the monitor to the TV set. We did get a bigger TV last Jan. Watching it on the small computer monitor does leave a lot to be desired.

 But on our mission of simple living this seems to be a good start. We have a long way to go.

With 8 months of winter and fall we are not willing to give up the least yet.

We are having our annual garage sale. This is our second and all the proceeds goes to the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Our spare bedroom is already over ran with stuff. Boy do we have the stuff.
We had three family's bring in their things yesterday and it already looks like it will be a very big sale. We are saying a prayer for nice weather. But whatever it will be a fun time of fellowship.

Java is calling...........

God Is Good...................................... All the Time.......


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Groceries oh groceries

Well every time we go to the Grocery store sticker shock sits in.

 What a challenge to eat healthy on such a small budget.

 We have changed our diet since baker boys two heart attacks this year. He had one the end of Feb and one the end of March. It runs in his family and we feel is pretty generic. We have also ate pretty healthy. Not as good as we could have. But Beans and rice used to be frugal and very good for you.

We are buying more good stuff these days like olive oil and more beans. Will add some healthy recipes soon. We have a healthy white chili we are loving and it is pretty low cost.

Bakerboy is getting some pretty good ones from cardiac rehab. We are going to try and eat fish twice a week. We love canned salmon and tuna so that should be an easy one. We stock up when salmon and tuna goes on sale. The biggest thing to learn when you are short of money is to buy what is on sale. It does take a while to stock up but it is better than money in a saving account. We buy 6 boxes every time our favorite cracker goes on sale. It is a saving of over .50 a box....that adds up to a saving of three dollars. On something we were going to buy any way.

At amount of the interest rate in the saving right now I fig it is a better investment than the bank. We have always lived a very frugal life. We loved living on the land and growing our own food. But this year we are putting in a very small garden. The weather has been crummy. We are 10 days behind last year. Our lilacs just came out last Sat.

It is an amazing year.

But the one thing we do know is that God is the Blessed Controller of all things. We have so very much to be thankful for. We pray for wisdom to be able to write things that may help others.

God is good all the time................


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Happy June 1st---Cool Spring a great Sabbath

Sunday, June 01, 2008

This is the coolest spring we have ever seen since we lived in the UP. 34 years.. Somehow my hubby did not want to put in a big garden this year and it looks like he may have been right. We covered tomatoes in front flower garden last night but I don't think it froze. We put out four tomatoes..two in an earth box and two in a half rain barrel..We will see. They do say there are two things you can not you know what they are????

Yip Love and home grown tomatoes....they are the best.

Baker Boys brother and wife were here a few weeks. It went so fast. BiL bought me flowers and 7 packages of beets. I now have enough beets to plant for the whole UP. We always roll our out with a rolling pin before we plant them. This works great for us. It is to wet to get out to the garden. BBoy has a row of carrots from last year that winter well. So we are still eating fresh carrots. YUM YUM

We are making pizza for church next week. We are upping it from 4-6. Our son and Dil are bringing DQ and we have pizza and root beer floats. It seems to be going very well. We have only done this once before we half baked them and it was tricky getting pizza hot right when church is over. Last time we forgot to turn the ovens on preheat and it took awhile. But oh well....there was good fellowship.

The sun is shinning and the birds are happy.

We have the first cardinal ever in our bird feeder this year. He is so beautiful it took 34 years to get one and it was worth the wait. I will post picture of him soon.

Have a great day and a wonderful Sabbath.....
