Granny’s Blog

Lord show me someone to bless today ....God is good. all the time All the time....... God is good ......

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rain rain go away

Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get.      It seems like  fall. This may be the shortest  summer on record. But heat on in July does not quite seem right. 
53 the 27th of July.  During the day????____for three days????_?

We saw 25 geese yesterday A birder also said she had a junco back already.
seems early.    Just saying.  

But God is good     all the time.   

All the time.       God is good. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Start living for God......God I am nothing without YOU.....

This is written to me from Joyce notes that I always want to keep)
not my words but words said for my ears to hear....  

I need to stop living for people and start 

living for God.  If we live for Him with a right heart
the windows of heaven will open.......

Why do I do what I do????

Trust Him enough to zip our lips and see what God would want us to do...

I am growing every single day...

God is not impressed with what we do it is 

Why do we do it???  

Matt:6   Take care not to do your good deeds publicly or before men, in order to be seen by them; otherwise you will have no reward [[a]reserved for and awaiting you] with and from your Father Who is in heaven...

 Jesus slipped away....

he said

make sure 
you do not tell anyone about this."

God I am nothing with out you...

God, if you move I am going to fall flat on 

my face...


Pray :
Represent God
Go to work for God today... do an excellent Job... 

 live for God not for man... 

Paul the apostle prayed:

He never prayed for a thing or for himself 
 or to be delivered from a problem.

. He prayed for them to endure with good 

.He trusted God so much that he believed that whatever took place in His life would work out for his good....
He trusted God

He prayed people would know God. 

 Know the power that is yours as a believer

Rooted in Love of God
He prayed they would be Holy filled

spirit filled personalities.  Spirit filled personalities...

 Abound with 


God meets us where we are at...
You can ask God for things but 

Do not make things the primary purpose of 

your prayers...   

serve God out of your pure motive.

If you have a huge problem:
Pray for the right reason.

God please please work with me and 

purify me... 

 God does not owe me anything 
He has 

already given me  everything.

He is not concern with what we do but why 

we do it.....  
Lord purify me and show me your anointing 

 use me direct me to do your will. 

thank you for the blessings you have 

bestowed on us and on our family...

Thank you for the gifts you have given. 

Gifts given
grateful oh so grateful

for our new to us vehicle
a happy husband who loves you
our new friends and the church the body 

of Christ..... and a pastor who loves you... 

who my heart is to be more like Him cause 

He is so Christ like

 thank you Jesus... 


Thursday, July 11, 2013

God already has it figured out............ Yippeeee

Isnt it wonderful that God already has it figured out?

 Thank you

Joyce notes from today:

how to Instantly increase your joy.....

YOUR Words effect everyone...


I need to stop in the middle of  conversation saying something when convicted  that it is the not the thing to say and ask for them to forgive me for saying things that I should not say...

the more sensitive you get to Holy Spirit.the more you sense the.leading in every decision you make and every thought you have.

 Holy Spirit guides us everyday......

I am grateful   BUT......we kill our joy with the buts...

Get rid of your Buts....  :)
Lets don't go there.. .

The more you defend yourself the more you know you are guilty....

Keep your tongue from evil..

.talk about happy things and you will feel happier.

The tongue   Gods words are full of life and full of power..

Use your words to make someone else feel better

Start with someone in your house.

"I appreciate you"

                                       it  is a good start.....
Powerful words..........
Thank You
Forgive me
I am sorry......

I was wrong....

Things to say to others..
It is no problem
do not worry about it
I make mistakes
I forgive you
do not let it pressure you
do not give it another thought....

Proverb 18: 20

Chose friends that know how to talk.....


you can make yourself physical sick with wrong words......   death and life are in the power of the tongue.

You eat your words.........  Change what you say....  

Negative words drag you down...

What we say in the wilderness determines how long we stay there.
Complain and remain
Praise and be raised...


Think :   

This to shall pass....
Get up and say
Something Good is going to happen today....

Keep your Peace................

Cheer UP.....

Teach me Lord how to talk........

Stop talking about everything that is wrong;;;;;;;;;  Do not say anything negative... 

Pray and Say.............We want to say what we feel......what we feel ...   

Prov 15:23    
23 A man has joy in making an apt answer, and a word spoken at the right moment—how good it is!

The gift of
Ice cream and thankful  :)


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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

scattered thoughts...and..SEEDS

Yesterday we went fishing... 

 oh how I love the water

we caught 14-15  pan fish 

 it was so much fun 

 a perfect day on a beautiful lake. 

seems the place to go


   get out in God's creation.

so peaceful

hearing water sounds lap on  the boat.

listening to all the sounds.

 sound echos on water

hear  the far off the sound of children playing 

on pier catching fish

scared and screaming while they are tubing
Beautiful art of


What a perfect day


Fish frying up in pan....  what good perfect food.

 dad used to tell me 

 fish is brain food.

Need to eat more...  :)

Thank you Lord for giving us such joyful times.


Two moms in our area have lost their sons in auto accidents in the last month.
My heart goes out to them.

It seems my personality is to learn most things the hard way.

Many many days and nights even months spent trying to fig out why the Lord would take our son at such and early age.
It was exhausting... totally exhausting 
and I soon came to find out it was a colossal waste of time.  

Trust God.... I will never know in this life why things happen the way they do...but trust God..


Notes today for me from Joyce:

Receive power, 

with out the anointing it is hard hard and double hard.

Stop saying things are so hard.

Embrace your anointing..

Do something God has anointed you to do..

Do not try to operate in someone else s gift.

God never gives us a bad gift.

If we do not use our gift we lose peace and joy because we do not operate in the gift He gives us

Embrace your gift.  You will have peace and Joy.

If you function in your gift you will always have peace and joy.

Stop trying to impress and know what God wants..and do it.

what ever you are doing should not be hard for you.

Do not do something you hate and are miserable with.

God anoints you...whether .to be a good friend...a good wife. etc.

live with your anointing.   A precious gift from God.

anointing abides permanently in us.

God is working in my life
I love my life
Love the life God has given me.

When you have anointing it will show you what to do.

Know the timing..... 
to ask for a raise
to talk to children
to talk to husband.
the is no big struggle...if it is anointing..

Stop comparing yourself with others stop trying to do  their gifts.
It just does not work or bring peace.   Or joy..

Love freedom
free to do your anointing
It will
never depart from you...
the presence of God never leaves us.

Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths,but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Be sensitive with what is coming out of your mouth.  

Holy spirit sensitive....  picture as a dove.  The most gentle bird.

do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God

What grieves the Holy Spirit.?

How do you talk?  

Change your Words and change your life

Say what God says.....
God is good all the time
All the time God is good.....

Blessing on your day..
The gifts given:
of water
children laughing
rain in the morning and sun in the afternoon
cool evenings

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Positive Encouraging Words.

Notes to me from Joyce today and oh how I need this.. on  the tongue...

God wants to use  US---------YOU....

Please help me Lord to change my words...

Lord teach me to talk........

                         stop talking about everything that is wrong...

not say anything negative.....

Pray and say...

speak what the word speaks    ........... and not how we feel....
Prov 15:23...

.Increase your joy by giving the right ans.

When ask How are you???         Practice saying I am excellent..

Pray and say...
We can change the atmosphere around us if we begin to be positive..

If you give others joy you can increase your joy....

Encourage.  build up..

Everything that is going on is not bad.

You overcome with good.

1thes: 5-14......

.When is the last time you encouraged your boss?

Write letters of appreciation..You can never please everyone.

form a habit of adding value to everyone you touch.  You can make a difference in their life.  What you give away comes back to you as a harvest.  Look for something good in everyone you meet.  Spread some

How do you talk about your future?

Little phrases... Life changing..

Forgive me
I appreciate you
I am sorry
I was wrong
Thank you....

When things go wrong...

It is no problem
don't worry about it
I make mistakes
I forgive you
do not let it pressure you
do not give it another thought...

My prayer:  Lord please give me words: words that are edifying, encouraging, uplifting. Forgive me for any unkindness, unedifying words spoken.  

thank you Lord for the gift of:
1/ teachers
2. friends
3 The word.
4. Peace
5 Grace
Beautiful skies.  Magnificent clouds...and much needed rain....thank you....

God is good all the time

All the time God is good.......

Friday, July 5, 2013

My mouth..... Yikes ouch.... (my notes for me from Joyce)

If you really want to use your mouth for a Godly purpose..... God will do the work that needs to be done...

Notes for today from Joyce>>>>>
my little robin is speaking very loud...  

                   Change your words change your life

We can not change by works of the flesh.....

Words effect the power of your life...  the Holy spirit...brings anointing into our lives

The presence of God the power of God...for what ever you need to do.......  You must protect it..

reverence, honor and protect it...  Get rid of the mixture...Get consistence with what God says......

Read a promise in the word and agree with God...  May be impossible with man but

all things are possible with God....

Learn to say what God says........the most powerful thing in your possession..

.Do what God tells you to do and

  Say what God says.

The power of life and death is in the tongue.  

Christ is the anointed one...  when we feel the presence of God it is the Holy Spirit ...

 the more you agree with God the more power released in your life...  
 Our words are so important.

 Our thoughts are important... they become words...

The mind is the battlefield.

  Satan wants to put wrong thoughts in your mind.

Everyone who is a child of God has authority.......
You have authority and power...
           You can kill the power of God by speaking things not in agreement with Gods plan for your life.
We have everything we need to live a victorious life.  We receive the seed when we accept Christ.  The word of God waters the seed.  You do not need to pray for peace we have  the  peace.
We have joy in us.  We do not need to pray for joy , power, peace..  God has planted the seeds we already have these...

praise God

the power of life and death is in the tongue...  we have power...but where is it at????   Walk in fullness of anointing that you have........James 3  (I love James)
Make sure you live what you teach....

How many messes have you made with your mouth?  ( way lots for me)  

We have been anointed for great things.

.be the very best you can be....for God...

there is a price to pay...
stay on the narrow path not the broad path to destruction. 

Complaining is sin...  when we do it we open the door for the enemy...
make it a college course to learn scriptures.. 

There is Power in the word..

Anytime we talk about anyone in a unkind way the root of it is pride... we think we are better than they are... 

(forgive me Father.....)

(wow what notes from Joyce today... speaks right to my heart)

God will enable us to speak kind things. 

 Change your words 

and you can change your life.

He has done great things...bless His holy name...  

Thank you for the gift of:
new life
the word
peace that passes all understanding...  

God is good all the time

           All the time God is good...........

May the Lord shine His face upon you and give you peace

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Never Forget What God has done for America......


What a wonderful thing...

Have a Happy 4th of July....

Be safe and may God bless America.............the land that I love...........stand beside her and guide her....

Thank you Lord......

This is the day the Lord hath made let us rejoice and be glad in it..............  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What a week....a week of reflection

(This post was a week ago and for some reason never posted so it must be meant to post today... )

Well everything is not always Rosie for sure. ...  a local 17 year old hit a tree and died
2.  A friend with cancer went to heaven
3.  A friend's nephew jumped in river and tried to end his life
4.  Another friend is battling a sickness that has went on way way to long.

Where is God in all this?

We question and wonder.... I know I did when my son was tragically taken at the young age of  34.  way to young... Mom's are not supposed to bury their children.  Yet it happens all the time.

 Mary saw hers beat tried and convicted for not one wrong thing.  Saw Him nailed to the cross.  A perfect child.  ..... heartbroken.  He did it all for us....for you and me.that we might live in eternity with HIM..the perfect one.  .

 Some things we just do not understand...  we never will.....we are not supposed to......we are just to TRUST GOD...  He is the blessed Controller of all things.   He does mighty things..  The great I AM....

We do not try to fig it out...cause we can is exhausting...  WE TRUST GOD...  He is our ROCK

Praise Him for all ...the good the bad and the in between.....  All for a reason.....  

Blessings on the day.....

Think three......think on Good things.... Do NOT WORRY

The do not worry or fret... 
The top Dove saying to the bottom cardinal..." Hey save some for me...:"

My personal thoughts and lesson to apply for my day:  

Chose three people everyday.....three.....  when you run out of people start over....  (words from Joyce Meyer)

 and chose something that you really like....Everyone has good points...

.think on them several times a day.  think on the good not the bad.....

this is a good thing....

Phil 5:8
.Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

I have to say this has been one of my life long verses...  God brings it to mind ALL THE TIME..  the first time I heard it my clicker clicked.  I received it unto my soul and claimed it.

Trust God and stop trying to fig things out.
Pretty soon the auto respone is :

Auto response.... I trust God

I was just a worrier


.trust God..

worry is useless......

We get the grace to handle today.....  everyday we get the grace.  His Mercy  is new every morning... Great is His faithfulness oh Lord Great is your faithfulness......Great is your faithfulness....   Can not say this with out singing....

  One day at a time...

Mana was given just one days supply..Once in the morning and once in the evening....

. do not gather more of  it  or it will rot and stink....

 do not spend today trying to fig out tomorrow.  Thank God for today..  He is going to give you what you need to do it.. 

Get over the hump....fig out it does not do one bit of good to try and fig it out.......  come to the end of our self.....  TRUST GOD

Wait on God to show God...
Trust on lean on with all your heart and not rely on your understanding.. 

You are not smart enough to take care of your own life...... 

Stop trying to fig things out.....this was so hard for me and still is..but praise God it is better than it used to be..... I am a person who is a figeritouter....  a new word.  I build new words all the time... 

TRUST GOD......react in a brand new way..... Stop worrying...  

You mind is very important....add power to your life and take action...

God is so good all the time........... all the time   God is good..........

Have a blessed day....May God richly bless you and make His face shine on YOU and give you peace.....

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

God will take care of us....Be Content

Do not be controlled by emotions....Be angry and sin not let the sun go down on your anger.
I am me Lord help me help me....

We have to learn to be content

We can not worry,  learn how to love our life
Do the best we can

Do not fight things you can not do anything about.

Be in God's will....only God can give the gift.

Fig out what you can do..
What is making you discontent.....???

I am tired of being discontent.
If I get my way I am going to be happy
If I dont get my way I am going to be happy.....
The most blessed thing in the world is to not get your way and be just as happy.
There is always going to be circumstances

 do not let them control your joy
God is in control
God will surprise you and you

I am content
and I am emotionally stable.

Trust God.....learn to be content
does not do any good to be upset