Yesterday we went fishing...
oh how I love the water
we caught 14-15 pan fish
it was so much fun
a perfect day on a beautiful lake.
seems the place to go
get out in God's creation.
so peaceful
hearing water sounds lap on the boat.
listening to all the sounds.
sound echos on water
hear the far off the sound of children playing
on pier catching fish
scared and screaming while they are tubing
Beautiful art of
What a perfect day
Fish frying up in pan.... what good perfect food.
dad used to tell me
fish is brain food.
Need to eat more... :)
Thank you Lord for giving us such joyful times.
Two moms in our area have lost their sons in auto accidents in the last month.
My heart goes out to them.
It seems my personality is to learn most things the hard way.
Many many days and nights even months spent trying to fig out why the Lord would take our son at such and early age.
It was exhausting... totally exhausting
and I soon came to find out it was a colossal waste of time.
Trust God.... I will never know in this life why things happen the way they do...but trust God..
Notes today for me from Joyce:
Receive power,
with out the anointing it is hard hard and double hard.
Stop saying things are so hard.
Embrace your anointing..
Do something God has anointed you to do..
Do not try to operate in someone else s gift.
God never gives us a bad gift.
If we do not use our gift we lose peace and joy because we do not operate in the gift He gives us
Embrace your gift. You will have peace and Joy.
If you function in your gift you will always have peace and joy.
Stop trying to impress and know what God wants..and do it.
what ever you are doing should not be hard for you.
Do not do something you hate and are miserable with.
God anoints you...whether .to be a good friend...a good wife. etc.
live with your anointing. A precious gift from God.
anointing abides permanently in us.
God is working in my life
I love my life
Love the life God has given me.
When you have anointing it will show you what to do.
Know the timing.....
to ask for a raise
to talk to children
to talk to husband.
the is no big struggle...if it is anointing..
Stop comparing yourself with others stop trying to do their gifts.
It just does not work or bring peace. Or joy..
Love freedom
free to do your anointing
It will
never depart from you...
the presence of God never leaves us.
Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths,but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Be sensitive with what is coming out of your mouth.
Holy spirit sensitive.... picture as a dove. The most gentle bird.
do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God
What grieves the Holy Spirit.?
How do you talk?
Change your Words and change your life
Say what God says.....
God is good all the time
All the time God is good.....
Blessing on your day..
The gifts given:
of water
children laughing
rain in the morning and sun in the afternoon
cool evenings