Granny’s Blog

Lord show me someone to bless today ....God is good. all the time All the time....... God is good ......

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Its gonna be a long long winter

Every day for over thirty days it has snowed. Baker Boys never ending job is running the snow blower. We have had over 113 inches so far. Throw in a little rain one day and a ton of ice.
Snow has been on the ground for a long long time.
It seems like I get green starved........maybe .that is why my house has a lot of green in it.
Yet reflecting back my flowers in my window box last summer were all white. (go figure) It has been very cold outside. The old woodcook stove is doing her job...I love having hot water all the time and not having to pay for it. Sometimes I put on a big kettle and pour it in the washing machine. Its great.

Baker boy is sleeping and all is quiet outside. It was a wonderful Christmas, Such a special time.

Seeds are ordered........can not wait to start them.. Going to town and buy some dirt.

That is one thing that is wonderful about the four season's. You appreciate the smells. And nothing smells any better than dirt..........ok I lied... Bread smells pretty darn good.


Monday, December 29, 2008

Still boats coming into the harbor

It seems I have this thing about taking picture of boats in the harbor
but it is almost Jan...and these men are very brave. We have had some very bad storms.
I am sure they are very glad to see the harbor and get their land legs back.
God Bless themPosted by Picasa

God is good........................all the time

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Baby its cold outside

Wow is it cold. Karen at prayer shawl said she had 15 below this morning. We had -9 below. It really does seem like late Jan or Feb. But again on the good side the sun was out all day.

Christmas is coming fast .................


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Yucky Weather snow snow and more snow

My girlfriend Anna called and said it was like night all day!!! She wondered if we could go to bed yet? It was 4:00 this afternoon.It has been one of those days where we are very thankful its not like this everyday. As I type it is raining on about three feet of snow. Gloomy and just plain yucky...... The snow is shrinking.........but will soon turn to ice. ....Baker Boy shoveled the roof yesterday. Yes we live where we have a rake and you go all around the house and pull off the snow. Our weather has been like Jan and we have had snow snow and more snow...think its going to be a very lon.......................g winter. I keep looking for a widget that will tell me how many days till spring.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

A great day with lots of sun and a beautiful sunset....

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Dec 11 A day in the city

A beautiful sunny day in the city......the boats are still comi

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Here is the finished product

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Road Kill Stew (just kidding about the road kill)

Well today we finished cutting up the last hind quarter of the deer. We cut it into venison steaks. Any piece not good for steaks we put with the front quarter we cut up and put in the refrigerator a few days ago for Our Road Kill Stew.........
This is the recipe:

I used about 4-5 #s of meat but if you are a big meat eater you could put more meat in jars.
7 Quart Jars, and 7 lids and 7 rings......... ( I will take the diamond kind of rings) tee hee (flake is tired)

Venison Stew........ (Road Kill Stew is what we call it..... :)
4-5# of cut up venison ( I brown mine in a skillet with a tad of EVOO. (Olive Oil) and no I am not Rachel Ray..................
I do about two carrots a jar
1 clove of Baker Boys garlic
1 cut up onion
1 1/2-2 Potatoes
1 tesp of Onion soup mix
then add boiling water (not clear to the top leave about 1 inch) make sure your jars are very hot or they will crack and you will cry...........I load my pressure canner with clean sterile jars and they get real hot by the time I get to add the hot boiling water stage.. load those baby up and then put on hot lids and rings..........

Follow you basic pressure canning procedures: (75 min 10#s of pressure it what I do) My pressure cooker shakes and it used to drive my kids crazy. They would say they went to bed with it jiggling and wake up and it was still jiggling.
It is jiggling away right now and could drive one a bit crazy. But to keep it that way
I need to go put some more wood on the fire and get it back up to med heat....... (smile)


Monday, December 8, 2008

Canned Venison

Baker Boy starting to cut up the Venison
This is about our fourth or fifth cook stove in the last thirty years. This one is as great as its mama and by far one of the most superior cook stoves out there. It holds logs up to 18 inches. Has a very big fire box holds a fire for 10-12 hours. This is called the Baker's Choice and there is a bigger one called the Pioneer Maid which we had before we moved to this house. It heats our whole house and it is an airtight wood stove. They also burn coal. We got it new. They are made by the Amish in Canada. We have had antique cook stoves and they may have more chrome and be beautiful but they do not hold a fire very long.

Our Canned Venison that really shrank a lot......( that is not really yellow chunks in the jar its the photographer.... :) We usually put up pints but I wanted to try quarts this time. We put two pounds of venison in each jar. A Clove of garlic pinch of salt, and no broth. We let it make its own broth.
You should take all the fat off of venison. and added hint someone one time shared with me.
(If you put two tablespoons of white vinegar in the pressure caner the jars come out sparkling)
Tomorrow going to put up Road Kill Stew.... (Not really road kill) But I like the name... :)

It seems it would be hard to find meat any more organic.....

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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Go girl go......

You tell'em 
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"I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks. " Daniel Boone

Happy Birthday to you.......


You Have Our Attention, Lord Prayer offered by Max Lucado

Our friends lost their house
The co-worker lost her job
The couple next door lost their retirement
It seems that everyone is losing their footing
This scares us. This bailout with billions.
These rumblings of depression.
These headlines: ominous, thunderous-
“Going Broke!” “Going Down!” “Going Under!” “What Next?”
What is next?
We’re listening. And we’re admitting: You were right.
You told us this would happen.
You shot straight about loving stuff and worshiping money.
Greed will break your heart, you warned.
Money will love you and leave you.
Don’t put your hope in riches that are so uncertain.
You were right. Money is a fickle lover and we just got dumped.
We were wrong to spend what we didn’t have,
Wrong to neglect prayer and ignore the poor,
Wrong to think we ever earned a dime. We didn’t. You gave it. And now, tell us Father, are you taking it?
We’re listening. And we’re praying.
Could you make something good out of this mess?
Of course you can. You always have.
You led slaves out of slavery,
Built temples out of ruins,
Turned stormy waves into a glassy pond and water into sweet wine.
This disorder awaits your order. So do we.

Through Christ,
· • • • ·

God will always give what is right to his people who cry to him night and day,
and he will not be slow to answer them. (Lk. 18:7 NCV)

Copyright 2008 UpWords®®, Inc. Press Contact Us About UpWords® Oak Hills Church


Friday, December 5, 2008

No Blizzard Yet........4 degrees...2008

4 degrees outside...............brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr shiver shiver...Baby its cold outside. ..................7:51 and it is now 1 degree..........gee this is Jan weather.

One thing about living here. Is you can never believe the weather man. We did not get the blizzard they were calling for.... but Yesterday was beautiful and sunny.............the most wonderful blue skies you can imagine. Should have taken picture to show you a bit of heaven, but what did I take picture of?????

Yummy.........Baker Boys Chocolate Chip Orange cin roll.
(Baker Boy got me a wii for Christmas this year. To get fit.....but there seems to be a problem here........ mmmmmmmmmmmm wonder what it could be? )

Ok now back to the they are saying Sat.....we may get the blizzard. And 20-25 mile a hour winds. But hey we will wait five min and it will change.......

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Put this in my blog so I can find it in a hurry .
Have many stories to tell where these have worked so great.
Wish I knew where this came from and I would give credit. I did not write these but think my friend  way way way up in AK sent them to me. Yesterday my back went out and I started Anica. If you have never used Homeopathy Anica is a good place to start. By 8 o'clock last night the pain was gone. It was amazing.
RESCUE REMEDY is another amazing we would not be with out it. It is a Bach remedy and not really homeopathy but it is great and has truly rescued me many time.
I need to take more time to study and consider using more of Homeopathy.

Here is a list of top homeopathic remedies to have on hand for first aid and acute conditions. These are supplements to standard first aid methods and conventional care. The guiding symptoms of these remedies are easy to learn and each is a leading remedy of certain conditions. (In parentheses are remedies similar to those described and should be considered).Remember the repetition should be based upon the reaction of the patient rather than on a schedule.
ACONITE - For panic and terror. Anticipates fear. Ailments from fright. Shock. Inflammation. Injuries to eyes. (also consider hypericum and calendula eyewash). (Foreign body in eye- silicea, and cactus)
ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM - Rattling and bubbling respiration. Fluid in the lungs. Drowning in own secretions, drowning victims.
APIS - Allergic reactions to bee stings with hear and swelling. Can be for flea or black fly bites.Hives ( urtica urens). Anaphylaxis. Reactions to surgical sutures with pus, etc.
ARNICA - First remedy for blunt trauma. Bruising, swelling. Pain of fractures ( eupatorium, symphitum). Head injuries, concussions. Before and after surgery; after dental surgery such as removal of teeth. Guarded appearance ( doesn't want to be touched or approached) Sore muscles after overexertion. Backup remedies to study: bellis perennis, ruta grav.
ARSENICUM ALBUM - #1 remedy for food poisoning. Restlessness, anxiety, fear, sudden prostration, vomiting and diarrhea, thirst, chilly
BELLADONNA - Sudden and violent onset. Heat and redness, of blood. Throbbing pains ( fever, inflammation, headache). Sunstroke (glonoine). Bleeding of hot red blood in gushes.
BRYONIA - Useful in musculoskeletal pain, where the animal is reluctant to move and is worse on movement. Prefers to lie on painful part but is afraid of being touched.
CANTHARIS - Bums, second and third degree. ( other bum remedies: urtica urens- 1st degree;caustucum- 3rd degree. Also hypericum and calendula lotion or ointment, depending on the severity of the bum).
CARBO VEGETABILIS -" Stealer of corpses from the jaws of death." Shock and collapse. Fainting. Coldness of body and breath. Blue discoloration from lack of oxygen. Craves moving air- desire to be fanned. Weakness. Never well since a physical trauma or an illness that severely weakened them. Gas and bloating. Coma.
HEPAR SULFH. - Abscesses. Hypersensitivity to pain. where there is pus formation and extreme sensitivity to touch and drafts. Irritability, (sil.)
HYPERICUM - For crushing injuries with nerve damage and injuries to parts rich in nerves: toes, tail bone, back bone. Spinal injuries. Pain from puncture wounds. Injuries characterized by sharp, shooting pains.
IGNATIA - Ailments of grief. Hysterical reactions.
IPECACUANHA - persistent vomiting and nausea. Hemorrhage that is bright red and profuse, usually with nausea.
LEDUM - Puncture wounds of all kinds, including injections and insect bites and stings. Injuries with swelling and bluish discoloration Blunt trauma to the eye. Black eye (arnica). Ameliorated by cold applications. Think of this after removing porcupine quills.
NUX VOMICA - Good for vomiting, diarrhea, with irritability. Good for eating indiscretions.
PHOSPHORUS - For acute bleeding anywhere. Bright red blood. Bleeding from injuries ( aconitum, calendula, ipecac). Nosebleeds (ferrum phos., vipera). For adverse reactions to anesthesia including vomiting, retching, and slow awakening.
PODOPHYLLUM - Profuse watery green diarrhea, with abdominal pain. Vomiting bile.
PULSATILLA - Discharges that are bland, and yellow green as in upper respiratory disease; and bland diarrhea.
RHUS TOX - Sprains and strains. Rusty gate syndrome -<>
RUTA GRAV. - Injuries to periosteum (bone covering). Injuries to the shin bone. Sprains and strains. Worse with motion.
SILICA - Embedded foreign objects (splinters, etc.). Abscess often not especially painful. Silica is also for foreign body in the eye.
SYMPHYTUM - To aid in the mending of fractures. Use after initial pain and swelling has been relieved with arnica and after bones have been set. ( calc. phos.)
RESCUE REMEDY - This is a Bach flower essence preparation, not a homeopathic remedy. It is a palliative remedy for any acute trauma, physical or emotional. It helps relieve initial panic or shock.


Frugal Meals and Yummy

A favorite frugal dinner is Beef Shepherd's Pie.
it quick and easy to fix, very filling and absolutely DELICIOUS!
It's a very simple recipe, that is adjustable to not only what you have on hand for veggies and spices, but also to your family size.

Here's how I make it for us, and it lasts a few meals for us.

Beef Shepherd's Pie.
Brown and season your ground beef,
. Peel and cook potatoes, for mashed potatoes. do between 6 and 9 decent sized potatoes.spread your ground beef on the bottom.
Then put in a bag of any frozen vegetable mix or 2 cans of whatever veggies you have on hand, (we like corn... )
Mix the meat and the veggies together so that it's all evenly spread out.
Once your potatoes are done, you're going to mash them ....
spread it evenly over the top of the meat and veggie mixture
. in the oven at 350 degrees until the potatoes are slightly golden, 20 minutes or so. I like putting this in a pie pan. Or round casserole dish...
Another frugal meal my grandma made...

One Man's Dish
1 pound of browned hamburger
2 cloves of garlic
Onions sliced thin
6 - 8 peeled and sliced carrots
4 - 5 peeled and sliced potatoes
Salt and pepper
1 can stewed tomatoes
6 oz of water
Turn on high and leave for 3-4 hours.
It's great with Baker Boys homemade bread.


Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

Oh Christmas tree Oh Christmas tree ....Oh dear it is way to early for a snow flake to sing.

What a wonderful time. The beginning of Advent.

To me this is what Life is all about. Baker boy bought me this nativity shortly after we were married. Way many years ago...... :)
Believing this scene is LIFE CHANGING...
How thankful we are the Christ came to really make this life great.......GRACE...
its not what we do But what HE DID...... Thanks be to God......
Baker Boy is out keeping up with the snow..only a few inches yesterday. This is what we call a Finnish snow scoop and it is great. I wonder how long he walks keeping it all clean. Someday maybe I will volunteer but.....................he really does need the exercise... :)

Yesterday the sun was out and to prove was 9 degrees when I got up a real crisp morning. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......

Isn't Doppler radar wonderful..... this is a go buy milk day....

The weather forecast for tomorrow is looking like a stay in da house day.....

Snow showers. Snow accumulation of 4 to 10 inches possible...greatest east of Munising. Highs around 24. West winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 100 percent. ..................................It's the 100% thing that makes one read it twice.

Living in the UP is wonderful but if you live on a back road and the wind blows at all with a forecast like this one and you see why today is a go get Milk day.. when we lived on the farm in the 70's we would sometimes be snowed in for days. Maybe 5 was the longest................then along comes the feeling we call cabin fever. I remember many days going outside and listening for the snow plow. On the farm it sometimes took the snow blower to get us out. And if the big county blower broke down you were at the mercy of the mechanics.. :) But when our kids were little we broke out the popcorn popper made fudge and read Narnia....what a great time... (seems so long ago) Now living on the highway we do not get snowed in that much. A state highway is a top priority for the snowplows. So in this season of our is a good place to be.

God is good.............................all the time.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Partly cloudy

author unknown...........

Someone sent me this this morning's email. Hope it makes you smile. :)

Just read the weather for today and guess what?????
Mostly cloudy............does that mean the sun may show her head today??? Yippeeeeeee
We have so much to be thankful for today.... Our granddaughter was in a accident last night. She rolled her car over slipping on the ice. She has a cut on her arm . But we are so thankful she is ok. Driving in this kind of weather is always trickie...

Today is prayer shawl circle. So Christmas knitting will have to be in the afternoon. Still behind on Christmas knitting. Need to start it in Jan.

God is so good......................all the time.............
...all the time........God is Good..

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Dec the first.......

A view from my kitchen window in late Oct...............
Pictures never look as great as it does gazing at the sunrise in real life. We have taken hundreds of pictures and it does not come close to the awe one feels when we have such a blessing as this. Sunrise what a great time of the day.

This is the month that one of my favorite days of the year arrives. This is really a great month. Every year my great friend Anna and I count the days till the 21st. You know what happens then???????????????? Yip the days start getting longer . YIPPPPEEEE soon we can watch the 6 oclock news in day light. ( Well soon meaning around Jan 21). Boy do we have to much time on our hands in the winter.
Lots to do today... and yes guess what.??? The Pinetree seed catalog came in the mail a few weeks ago.....we are thinking about ordering seeds for the garden. A great big bowl of Blackseeded Simpson and Red Sails lettuce sounds pretty good right now. It may be a banner year for seed company's with the economy being the way it is. Might be a good idea to start buying canning lids. In the 70's they were pretty hard to find at times.
We are under a Winter Weather Advisory 2-4 inches of snow before one. This is the worst time to travel here it is usually wet heavy snow. The easy to get stuck and slide off the side of the road........... Snowman building kind. Good for the kids but not so good for driving.

Well my thought for the day is "This is the day that the Lord had made let us rejoice and be glad in it....

God is good....................all the time..........
