Put this in my blog so I can find it in a hurry .
Have many stories to tell where these have worked so great.
Wish I knew where this came from and I would give credit. I did not write these but think my friend way way way up in AK sent them to me. Yesterday my back went out and I started Anica. If you have never used Homeopathy Anica is a good place to start. By 8 o'clock last night the pain was gone. It was amazing.
RESCUE REMEDY is another amazing we would not be with out it. It is a Bach remedy and not really homeopathy but it is great and has truly rescued me many time.
I need to take more time to study and consider using more of Homeopathy.
Here is a list of top homeopathic remedies to have on hand for first aid and acute conditions. These are
supplements to standard first aid methods and conventional care. The guiding symptoms of these remedies are easy to learn and each is a leading remedy of certain conditions. (In parentheses are remedies similar to those described and should be considered).Remember the repetition should be based upon the reaction of the patient rather than on a schedule.
ACONITE - For panic and terror. Anticipates fear. Ailments from fright. Shock. Inflammation. Injuries to eyes. (also consider
hypericum and
calendula eyewash). (Foreign body in eye-
silicea, and cactus)
ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM - Rattling and bubbling respiration. Fluid in the lungs. Drowning in own secretions, drowning victims.
APIS - Allergic reactions to bee stings with hear and swelling. Can be for flea or black fly bites.Hives (
urtica urens).
Anaphylaxis. Reactions to surgical sutures with pus, etc.
ARNICA - First remedy for blunt trauma. Bruising, swelling. Pain of fractures (
symphitum). Head injuries, concussions. Before and after surgery; after dental surgery such as removal of teeth. Guarded appearance ( doesn't want to be touched or approached) Sore muscles after overexertion. Backup remedies to study:
bellis perennis,
ruta grav.
ARSENICUM ALBUM - #1 remedy for food poisoning. Restlessness, anxiety, fear, sudden prostration, vomiting and diarrhea, thirst, chilly
BELLADONNA - Sudden and violent onset. Heat and redness, of blood. Throbbing pains ( fever, inflammation, headache). Sunstroke (
glonoine). Bleeding of hot red blood in gushes.
BRYONIA - Useful in
musculoskeletal pain, where the animal is reluctant to move and is worse on movement. Prefers to lie on painful part but is afraid of being touched.
CANTHARIS - Bums, second and third degree. ( other bum remedies:
urtica urens- 1st degree;
caustucum- 3rd degree. Also
hypericum and
calendula lotion or ointment, depending on the severity of the bum).
CARBO VEGETABILIS -" Stealer of corpses from the jaws of death." Shock and collapse. Fainting. Coldness of body and breath. Blue discoloration from lack of oxygen. Craves moving air- desire to be fanned. Weakness. Never well since a physical trauma or an illness that severely weakened them. Gas and bloating. Coma.
HEPAR SULFH. - Abscesses. Hypersensitivity to pain. where there is pus formation and extreme sensitivity to touch and drafts. Irritability, (
HYPERICUM - For crushing injuries with nerve damage and injuries to parts rich in nerves: toes, tail bone, back bone. Spinal injuries. Pain from puncture wounds. Injuries characterized by sharp, shooting pains.
IGNATIA - Ailments of grief. Hysterical reactions.
IPECACUANHA - persistent vomiting and nausea. Hemorrhage that is bright red and profuse, usually with nausea.
LEDUM - Puncture wounds of all kinds, including injections and insect bites and stings. Injuries with swelling and bluish discoloration Blunt trauma to the eye. Black eye (
arnica). Ameliorated by cold applications. Think of this after removing porcupine quills.
NUX VOMICA - Good for vomiting, diarrhea, with irritability. Good for eating indiscretions.
PHOSPHORUS - For acute bleeding anywhere. Bright red blood. Bleeding from injuries (
calendula, ipecac). Nosebleeds (
ferrum phos.,
vipera). For adverse reactions to anesthesia including vomiting, retching, and slow awakening.
PODOPHYLLUM - Profuse watery green diarrhea, with abdominal pain. Vomiting bile.
PULSATILLA - Discharges that are bland, and yellow green as in upper respiratory disease; and bland diarrhea.
RHUS TOX - Sprains and strains. Rusty gate syndrome -<>
RUTA GRAV. - Injuries to
periosteum (bone covering). Injuries to the shin bone. Sprains and strains. Worse with motion.
SILICA - Embedded foreign objects (splinters, etc.). Abscess often not especially painful. Silica is also for foreign body in the eye.
SYMPHYTUM - To aid in the mending of fractures. Use after initial pain and swelling has been relieved with
arnica and after bones have been set. (
RESCUE REMEDY - This is a Bach flower essence preparation, not a homeopathic remedy. It is a palliative remedy for any acute trauma, physical or emotional. It helps relieve initial panic or shock.
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