Granny’s Blog
Lord show me someone to bless today ....God is good. all the time All the time....... God is good ......
Friday, March 21, 2014
It was a cold but beautiful day. Our first picnic of the year by Lake Superior . What a beauty she is.
Only in the Up have I ever seen such a beautiful sky the bluest of blue. We are so thankful and loving our new Roadrunner.
My notes
Acts 10:38
We all went about. How many people do we touch?? Do we smile? Care? Give our time? Reach out ? Lord forgive me for not being aware and sensitive to others needs.
One below an counting.
Today is our area. 64th day of below zero weather this winter.
Rosie the roadrunner is even shivering
As I sit here typing it is -1.
Rosie the roadrunner is even shivering
As I sit here typing it is -1.
Ok let's see.
There must be so much to be thankful for this.
Let me think
Thinking hard.
1. We don't have to run the air conditioner
2. We have warm house to snuggle up in.
3. We have heat.
4. The sun shines most days when it has been this cold. ⛅
5. Might be killing some of the bad bugs that have been killing trees.
6. We don't have to run air conditioner :)
Spring is just around the corner. And how quickly we forget.
We will soon be thinking how warm it is. Sure wish it was cooler. We certainly do appreciate the seasons. And up here the are so many days that are just right. 65-75. Surly must be heavenly temp's.
How hard it is for us to stop complaining about the weather.
Forgive me Lord.
This is the day that the Lord hath made we shall rejoice and be glad in it.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Rosie2 roadtrek meets Marquette
Well yesterday we went to the big city..........................................
This is a pa picture not a UP picture... cause all you would see is white.. :)
. The thing about Rosie2 roadrunner is going Anywhere is so much fun.
We picked up a few things (food) looked at camp supplies and we and took a nap.
Well just relaxed and read while LJ put away some serious zzzzzss.
We met the kids for son's birthday. Yummy food at one of the best restaurant in Marquette..
Driving home LJ found out how R2 handled in a snow storm.
The worst kind.
Blinding snow..
Wet heavy slush that throws you around everywhere.
But LJ was pretty impressed how the weight of r2 (rosie2 roadrunner) helped stay on the road. We are getting 14.4 for gas which is not to bad about what our truck was getting...
Needless to say it was great to see the driveway....
It was a great day a good meal and a safe drive home.
So thankful.
We called the dealer and they found the extra key.
Let the wheels roll.
We need to go find grass. Green
Anything green.
Love snow but to much of a good thing
is to much of a good thing .....
my notes today to me. 30/30 challenge.
Power in the word.
Have no option where there is no responsibility.
Do not gossip. Many things are none of my business.
Actually most things.
Pray for your enemy's. Be faithful have good character. Do what is right over and over.
Choose not to get stressed out
Labels: Rosie
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Going back home.......with Rosie roadtrek..
After a wonderful week with family and friends we are headed back to great UP..have to take care of some business.
We are loving our new to us Rosie2..
We are finding new things about her everyday...
Lj has decided to leave truck downstate at sons, and he had the idea to take my girlfriend Karen up to spend a week with her grands...
How great is our God.... wow
she recently lost her job due to plant closing. We are bringing her back after a week...
she is so excited.
so happy for her. and for LJ for being so thoughtful.
God is good all the time
all the time God is good..........
30/30 challenge
Notes to me:
Everyday we get to choose.
We can choose fear
or Faith,
Getting in the word helps us choose faith.
The words can heal and change my life
Don't just look.
guide your life.
Change my mind.
Change my life.
Have everything Jesus died to give us.
Don't just read study.
Labels: Rosie2
Friday, March 14, 2014
Be led By Holy Spirit
MY notes for my mind....
Every believer can be led by Holy Spirit.
MY notes for my mind....
Every believer can be led by Holy Spirit.
How to hear from God
Learn to discern.
Walk in faith.
Walk in faith.
Do not be afraid. Get with God. Follow peace.
Follow moral law but not the law. be led by Holy spirit
Gods spirit is in me. He leads me and guide s me.
1st john 2:27
Anointing is not just for ministry.
Anointing is not just for ministry.
You do not have to be afraid. What ever comes you are up for it and can do it.
Romans 7:4
I can hear from God.
I can hear from God.
Stop counting. Stand fast. Law of love. Follow promoting of Holy Spirit.
Gods not just in church.
He helps you with everything you do.
Ask him to help us to be led by Holy Spirit.
Gods not just in church.
He helps you with everything you do.
Ask him to help us to be led by Holy Spirit.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Going for Rosie 2
Tomorrow we leave to pick up our new Rosie in Pa.
So thankful and it will be so much fun...
It is hard not to get over excited.
She is white and she looks great...
Met some very nice people in PA such a delight to know that there are so many business people with integrity..........
We encountered a few scams of craigslist well actually a more than a few.
So thankful.... just when we gave up after months of searching
She showed up........
So now starts a new chapter in our life
On the road again.... Yippee.....
My notes from Joyce today:
We are equipped... do not be afraid of the devil
we are the head and not the tail. do not go how we feel. Even in the mist of my battles I am more than a conquer.
God has a very good plan for our life.
Cheer someone else up......
God will always bring justice in our life if we stand on the word of God...we are more than a conquer...
through Christ who love me.....
Be on guard....
guard against greed do not want more and more and more
the more we have the more we give.
When God bless you share something with someone else
Give first. It is the way to battle greed.
Mat 16:6 do not live under laws. be led by holy Spirit... be careful who your friends are.
Watch your tongue...
Pray for them.. cover them with prayer.. do not talk about it pray about it
Pay attention to thoughts, feelings, that come to us.
Ask God why we are not sleeping well..... be responsible.
Rebuke Devil...... get peace in your mind.
You never have to worry about what others are doing... do your part.
If you do your part God will take care of you....
Pay attention to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.....
Labels: Rosie
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
A New Venture for us Rosie Roadtrek 2
God is so good.....
After many months of searching when we least expected it...
already to give up...
Rosie Roadtrek 2 came into our life yesterday
quite by accident.
She is not delivered yet.
But she has everything.
Even a generator which is a bonus..
It is hard not to get so excited.
She is many many hours from us so now the plan to go and get her is coming into play.
We want God's plan not ours..
L has sermon at Church Wed night so we will leave on Thur.
the good Lord willing.
So thankful for such a beautiful day yesterday.
For ans prayer
For peace, for family, and for our friends.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God....
read today: 30/30
Proverbs 11
Labels: Rosie
Monday, March 10, 2014
Be thankful and say so
sin is not absent,
but he
who holds his tongue is wise.
In everything give thanks
There is Power in being thankful
Anne V. says being thankful makes one 25%
happier. Praise God...
Be thankful in every situation.....
Be thankful and say so...
Numbers chapter 11 verse one:
People crumbled.....
trials make us grow up and mature..
who holds his tongue is wise.
In everything give thanks
There is Power in being thankful
Anne V. says being thankful makes one 25%
happier. Praise God...
Be thankful in every situation.....
Be thankful and say so...
Numbers chapter 11 verse one:
People crumbled.....
trials make us grow up and mature..
someday you
will realize what you thought was your greatest
enemy was your best friend.
Do not spend your life at the complaint counter...
No matter what you dont have.......
Being thankful effects every area of my life.
Our angels go to work....
Be thankful for everything..
The angels are affected by the words of our mouth
We are so blessed.
I pray..
Lord give me a grateful heart.
God is good all the time
All the time God is good..........
So thankful
for winter... for a time of rest
For our great grands, grands and children
Sunshine.... it makes me happy
For water that has not frozen up....
Do not spend your life at the complaint counter...
No matter what you dont have.......
Being thankful effects every area of my life.
Our angels go to work....
Be thankful for everything..
The angels are affected by the words of our mouth
We are so blessed.
I pray..
Lord give me a grateful heart.
God is good all the time
All the time God is good..........
So thankful
for winter... for a time of rest
For our great grands, grands and children
Sunshine.... it makes me happy
For water that has not frozen up....
Labels: daily jib jab
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Spring is in the air...........
Ok this is crazy but it is starting to smell like
spring. You can just smell it in the air.
This makes me and the birds very happy...
We are still searching for Rosie2 Roadtrek....
where oh where is she?????? I think she is
going to have to find us...cause we sure can't find
church last night and some of the family
came over a great time.......
I have to say today has been hard for me.. I get
distracted so easy... Help me Lord...
Proverbs 9
Ok I went to to read James 6 and there is not
one... :) So an email came in that told me there
are 31 proverbs one for every day of the month..
on to proverbs..
"Whoever corrects a mocker invites insult;
whoever rebukes a wicked man incurs abuse.
8Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you;
rebuke a wise man and he will love you.
Ok so what is a mocker???
a person who causes repeated emotional
pain, distress, or annoyance to
What does rebuke mean?
to speak in an angry and critical way to
This is so so true....
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Happy Anniversay to my Hubby 43 years and counting
43 years ago we said I do
Did we really know what all the I do's were????
but we went ahead I do'ed and I willed and I did.....
what a marvelous adventure..
Grand time YES
Bad times Yes
Ups and down's Yes
But the one thing God has shown me is
James today
The prayer of faith.
Pray for the sick the Lord heals
forgives our sins
confess to each other , pray for each other
prayer of a righteous man is powerful and
effectiveMy brothers, if one of you should
wander from the truth and someone should
bring him back,
20remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from
the error of his way will save him from death
and cover over a multitude of sins.
Did we really know what all the I do's were????
but we went ahead I do'ed and I willed and I did.....
what a marvelous adventure..
Grand time YES
Bad times Yes
Ups and down's Yes
But the one thing God has shown me is
12 Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
If we keep the third strand..the most powerful strand. We can with stand anything.....
Commitment where is it nowdays.
All the young ones searching and not finding their heart's desire, mixed up.
we need to speak out and let them know. There is no peace with out the Lord. He is the third strand that will bind forever...
James today
The prayer of faith.
Pray for the sick the Lord heals
forgives our sins
confess to each other , pray for each other
prayer of a righteous man is powerful and
effectiveMy brothers, if one of you should
wander from the truth and someone should
bring him back,
20remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from
the error of his way will save him from death
and cover over a multitude of sins.
Labels: family
Friday, March 7, 2014
A real heat wave
Well finally
woke up to 18 degrees this morning!!!!!!!
Yesterday was the first day it smelled like spring outside.
The birds seem to even sense it...
It was a day that just makes one happy.
Thank God for the promise of Springtime........
I love Mac Lucado....we went to his church in Texas when we were there... this came in my inbox today and boy oh boy what a word for me.... thank you Max
----My James today:-----------------------------------------
woke up to 18 degrees this morning!!!!!!!
The birds seem to even sense it...
It was a day that just makes one happy.
Thank God for the promise of Springtime........
I love Mac Lucado....we went to his church in Texas when we were there... this came in my inbox today and boy oh boy what a word for me.... thank you Max
Like a Child
by Max Lucado
No child understands the logic of going to bed while there’s energy
left in the body! I remember when our daughter, Andrea, was just five.
We finally got her to bed. I went in to give her a final kiss, when she
lifted her eyelids and said, “I can’t wait until I wake up!” Oh for the
attitude of a five-year-old!
Is it any wonder Jesus said we must have the heart of a child before we can enter the kingdom of heaven? He said, “Believe me, unless you change your whole outlook and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3).” In other words, quit looking at life like an adult. See it through the eyes of a child.
Is it any wonder Jesus said we must have the heart of a child before we can enter the kingdom of heaven? He said, “Believe me, unless you change your whole outlook and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3).” In other words, quit looking at life like an adult. See it through the eyes of a child.
“I can’t wait to wake up,” are the words of a child’s faith. Andrea could say them because she plays hard, laughs much, and leaves the worries to her father. Let’s do the same.
We may have been scammed on Craigslist. Not real sure yet but God is showing me to be like a child... do not worry
God is my father and going to leave the worries with him....
The word brings stability, fruitfulness, and fulfillment and all that we do will prosper. (see Psalm 1:3)
Day 6:
be patient and stand firm
Don't grumble against each other
,The Lord is full of compassion and mercy
.Let your "Yes" be yes, and your "No," no, or you will be condemned.
Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. ( singing and listening to songs of praise makes me happy )
Labels: Thoughts to Ponder, UP, Weather
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Be Confident
Do not be self confident..... this is a foolish person
Apart from You I can do nothing....
Confidence: Be Bold have a wonderful adventurous exciting life
God has equipped each of us for greatness...
Don't be narrow minded people.. think big dreams
Do what God intends you to do...
Enjoy life....
without confidence... people will use you. we become people pleasers.
Can not be a man pleaser and a God pleaser.
Be a God Pleaser........
You can do anything you need to do in life....
God is with me and I can do anything... Through Christ who strengthens me...
God is with me...........
Let Him Be your example in humility...
Confidence and humility are married. Nothing with out Christ but with Him there is nothing I can not do
Know you can do nothing with out HIM....
God knew what He was getting when He got me...
God is with YOU...
Know your faults:
And I ask God to change anything and to develop my strengths..
30/30 Day four....My notes
Meditating on the word brings wisdom, prosperity and success.
(see Joshua 1:8)
James 4:
1. Submit to God....
2 Ask with right motives.... You have not because you ask not...
4.Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
5. Do not boast... boasting is evil
Labels: Thoughts to Ponder
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Is a Blue Bird to come into our life???? ROSIE TWO ROADTREK
We jumped the gun and bought a small trailer in Aug.
It is not good always to do spontaneous things...
We went on a four week trip and was not to happy with pulling a trailer. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But we were so used to our Rosie Road trek.
We had Rosie (Our Roadtrek for three or four years and love love loved her) She was awesome fun. Even just going to town.
But She did not have hot water, shower and had a queen size bed. We really missed these amenities... although it was doable.
LJ Nyla and Rosie..............
Well it has been a long long winter. So we were thinking of selling our 145 Jayco trailer and looking for another Roadtrek.. looked and looked and looked for months. Since last Jan almost daily... Nothing ran a bell we looked everywhere. (On Craigslist, Dealers,Etc)
Finally last week we prayed if we did not find one by Sat of this week we were going to stop the search. Thinking this may be what would happen.
Than Up flew this Bluebird (Blue Roadtrek)
( crazy we already named her...never really even seen her yet................ but
She is an Blue Roadtrek.
We are trying not to get real excited and trusting if this is the one for us everything will work out.
We are traveling a few hours to see her in a week or so.
Isn't life Amazing? Just when we are about to give up on something... things change in a min. We are trusting the Lord to show us the way and guide us. Praying for His wisdom.
So we will see in the next few weeks if this is our direction ...
Life is good.
God is good...all the time..
We are OK if we do
and also OK if we do not get her.
So you will have to check back and see how this story ends.
My personal study 30/30 notes for me...
OK now back to James and my 30/30 challenge...
I am really hearing to keep my mouth shut.. and not talk so much... to listen more than talking... we have two ears and one mouth so just maybe.... maybe
we are to listen twice as much as talk?????
notes to me from today: James chapter three....
1. Ship is controlled by small rudder
2. Small spark can start a huge fire.
3. no man can tame the tongue..
4. Never knew or thought about it but there are two kinds of wisdom..... earthly wisdom envy and selfish ambition, and heavenly wisdom... pure; then peace-loving,considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
From Joyce's Power of Words CD...
I started smoking when I was nine years old and smoked for many years. I liked it! So when I decided to stop, it was really difficult.

It is not good always to do spontaneous things...
We went on a four week trip and was not to happy with pulling a trailer. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But we were so used to our Rosie Road trek.
We had Rosie (Our Roadtrek for three or four years and love love loved her) She was awesome fun. Even just going to town.
But She did not have hot water, shower and had a queen size bed. We really missed these amenities... although it was doable.
LJ Nyla and Rosie..............
Well it has been a long long winter. So we were thinking of selling our 145 Jayco trailer and looking for another Roadtrek.. looked and looked and looked for months. Since last Jan almost daily... Nothing ran a bell we looked everywhere. (On Craigslist, Dealers,Etc)
Finally last week we prayed if we did not find one by Sat of this week we were going to stop the search. Thinking this may be what would happen.
Than Up flew this Bluebird (Blue Roadtrek)
( crazy we already named her...never really even seen her yet................ but
She is an Blue Roadtrek.
We are trying not to get real excited and trusting if this is the one for us everything will work out.
We are traveling a few hours to see her in a week or so.
Isn't life Amazing? Just when we are about to give up on something... things change in a min. We are trusting the Lord to show us the way and guide us. Praying for His wisdom.
So we will see in the next few weeks if this is our direction ...
Life is good.
God is good...all the time..
We are OK if we do
and also OK if we do not get her.
So you will have to check back and see how this story ends.
My personal study 30/30 notes for me...
OK now back to James and my 30/30 challenge...
I am really hearing to keep my mouth shut.. and not talk so much... to listen more than talking... we have two ears and one mouth so just maybe.... maybe
we are to listen twice as much as talk?????
notes to me from today: James chapter three....
1. Ship is controlled by small rudder
2. Small spark can start a huge fire.
3. no man can tame the tongue..
4. Never knew or thought about it but there are two kinds of wisdom..... earthly wisdom envy and selfish ambition, and heavenly wisdom... pure; then peace-loving,considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
- Bless everything you can possibly bless. James 3:8-10 says we have the power to bless or curse with the words of our mouth.
How Saying the Right Things Can Change Your Life!
by Joyce MeyerI started smoking when I was nine years old and smoked for many years. I liked it! So when I decided to stop, it was really difficult.
Every time I tried to quit, I’d last a few hours and then I’d be running around, digging cigarette butts out of the trash or looking for cigarettes in my coat pockets – anywhere I could think to look for them!
I didn’t have success until I got a revelation: I was burying myself in defeat with negative confessions.
Why I Had to Stop Talking Myself Out of My Victory
I finally realized that I was causing myself to fail through the negative things I was saying about myself. For a long time I would say, “I just know I could never quit smoking. And if I did, I’d probably gain a lot of weight.”
Thankfully, God was able to get through to me eventually and help me see that if I didn’t change my confession, I wouldn’t change. Then, He began to put desires in my heart to start speaking what I wanted, not what I had.
I started saying things like, “I can’t stand to smoke! These things stink and they’re expensive. I don’t smoke anymore!”
At first, I felt silly doing this because I would make these declarations while I was smoking. However, within about a week of changing my confession, I realized I now had the grace of God to quit smoking.
What I learned from this is I cannot rise above my own confession.
How God Taught Me to Talk Like Him
Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” And Hebrews 4:14 (AMP) says we should “hold fast our confession [of faith in Him]”
Confession means “to say the same thing as.” As the High Priest of our confession, Jesus can only do what we’re saying that agrees with His Word. So it’s vital for us to learn how to speak the Word of God and not just say things based on our feelings or even what others have said about us.
I believe we’ll have greater success with this if we concentrate on what we should be saying, rather than focusing on all the things we shouldn’t say. It’s self-defeating to go around saying things like, “I shouldn’t do that… I’d better not do this…”
I want to encourage you to really listen to yourself. Where’s your heart? See Luke 6:45. We need to stop saying, “Oh, I didn’t mean that. I was just kidding.” And we need to start being accountable for the words we speak.
The truth is, the things we say come from something that is formed in our heart. So you can determine where your heart is by listening to yourself. You can hear bitterness and jealousy…insecurity and unhappiness.
What Changing the Way You Talk Will Do
“We all have room to grow in our relationship with God.”
Do you need a change of heart?
And the way to make progress is to speak His language…
- Bless everything you can possibly bless. James 3:8-10 says we have the power to bless or curse with the words of our mouth.
- Be thankful and say so! (See Psalm 100:4.) Don’t just think about how much you appreciate someone – tell them!
- Be an encourager. Give someone an encouraging word every day.
- Tell the truth!
- Speak the Word of God. Recite and memorize verses that deal with things you want to change or overcome – anger, unforgiveness, insecurity…
- Don’t talk too much. Be quick to hear and slow to speak.
I encourage you to pray and ask God to help you use your mouth to say the right things. When you do, it will change your life!
Labels: Rosie2